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About shadowrwolf

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. FYI matt works for CQF exploting fucks
  2. shadowrwolf


    old and caught
  3. shadowrwolf

    US20 CQF

  4. You can't spawn loot as a server admin there is no way to do that. You can rent a server and find out if you want. log out near barracks restart the server and lock it for just few minutes and there you have every worthy item. only gps' date=' I wanted a night vision oooohhh "restart again"... unlock the server and if anybody asks "we were testing a bug" - done. this is whats going on. you dont need to spawn loots they already spawn in certain areas. [/quote'] Well that's a real round about way of doing it. Why not just take it a step back and loot pile or sever hop it would be faster anyway. umm all logs for hacking re hand submited to BE and Dayz, all logs can be edited, a simple command with admin rights gives you the ability to spawn anything and do anything (can do it with out admin rights but more option with admin rights)
  5. well might as well join the masses and buy a server so i can spawn my self some fat lootz
  6. well rocket and mods seem to not give a shit about whats going on any more, hacks are back server admins are spawning and modding htere logs. DayZ is done for if this keeps up
  7. shadowrwolf

    US20 CQF

    u gt a pbrlm wth let spling gt over it ths be a pst abut hx ad bd admnzz
  8. shadowrwolf

    US20 CQF

    looks like CQF is butt hurt about getting killd
  9. shadowrwolf

    US20 hacker

    US20 just got nuked
  10. shadowrwolf

    Banned from Seattle 58

    Server bans will show battleye ban
  11. shadowrwolf

    My Squad Banned On Seattle 58 - Video Proof

    lol vid is pyure win
  12. shadowrwolf


    found out what BE kick #49 is today you can no longer get to the server menu on game IE vote admins and what not... kicked for using a arma menu that is funny
  13. ffs stop calling this tard a hacker he is a script kiddy.
  14. same problem gave it 2 tires engine and hull all barly workable, truthfully a bike sould be stronger than a car due to it not being able to achieve speeds to mess it up badly
  15. shadowrwolf

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    lol i bet this dude dose not owne shit