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Everything posted by Alekanderu

  1. Server: NL 21 Approximate time: 01:15 CET (UTC +1) A guy with a ghillie suit and hatchet came running straight up to me and my friend (Zsinjeh), in a dense stand of fir trees in the forest. We both had AKs and shot him several times (saw blood splats etc), pretty much emptied our mags into him, to no effect. He glitched around, seemingly teleported behind us. No idea if he used some other kind of hack to find us in the first place, or if that part was just luck, but the rest of it definitely involved some kind of hacking.
  2. We died trying to kill him, dcing didn't even enter into our heads. Probably wouldn't have had time for it either. Gonna consider it next time something like that happens though, because fuck hackers.