Did you look at the specs listed by taurus? It actually points out more inaccuracies of the representation, which is where I was going. New for 2002 is a tracker in the venerable .45 ACP. The .45 Stellar Tracker in .45 ACP is available in 2, 4 and 6-1/2 inch barrels and ***uses the exclusive Taurus Stellar Clip*** to ***hold 5 rounds*** of the familiar .45 ACP and allows for easy loading and ejection. The .45 Stellar features the exclusive Taurus Ribber Grip, adjustable sights and the Taurus Security System. http://www.taurususa.com/accesories-stellarclips.cfm These are moon clips. And I don't know of any .45 acp revolver that can go without moonclips, as there would be nothing to physically hold the cartridges in place. The round was made for an auto, such as the 1911 so the rim on the bottom is the same size as the case, so that you can use a standard extractor. But when put into a revolver there is nothing to stop the case from sliding forward in the cylinder. This is simply about the reality of the gun being represented poorly, not in game performance. With that said, I carry a revolver in game, and passed up many 1911's. Almost took a glock 17, but there was no ammo.