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Everything posted by Nylrem

  1. Nylrem

    Zombie 1-Hit Knockdown

    Or you could just start shooting the zombies before you move in. Clear the out and you just have to run in and loot fast, then run out. No zombies to hit you. And as long as you are far enough back you can usually manage to hit one, maybe not the one you are aiming at, but they group up enough that one will usually go down.
  2. Nylrem

    i ran the CAN YOU RUN IT test

    You can always see if arma2 free runs and then decide about buying the real thing and/or expansion.
  3. Nylrem

    M1911 or Revolver?

    Did you look at the specs listed by taurus? It actually points out more inaccuracies of the representation, which is where I was going. New for 2002 is a tracker in the venerable .45 ACP. The .45 Stellar Tracker in .45 ACP is available in 2, 4 and 6-1/2 inch barrels and ***uses the exclusive Taurus Stellar Clip*** to ***hold 5 rounds*** of the familiar .45 ACP and allows for easy loading and ejection. The .45 Stellar features the exclusive Taurus Ribber Grip, adjustable sights and the Taurus Security System. http://www.taurususa.com/accesories-stellarclips.cfm These are moon clips. And I don't know of any .45 acp revolver that can go without moonclips, as there would be nothing to physically hold the cartridges in place. The round was made for an auto, such as the 1911 so the rim on the bottom is the same size as the case, so that you can use a standard extractor. But when put into a revolver there is nothing to stop the case from sliding forward in the cylinder. This is simply about the reality of the gun being represented poorly, not in game performance. With that said, I carry a revolver in game, and passed up many 1911's. Almost took a glock 17, but there was no ammo.
  4. Nylrem

    The real reason why it's shoot on sight

    Not to mention that zombies can teleport through barriers and doors, so that you can't even hole up in a building and get them to siege you for hours on end. That would foster co-op. A group of peopled pinned in a building and running out of ammo... Then everyone else comming to help, or sniping the zombies from afar to clear a path for the survivors.... But no, they just pop through the barbed wire.
  5. Nylrem

    M1911 or Revolver?

    I will give you two more problems for the revolver, as far as realism goes. 1. It isn't using .45 acp, it is using .357 mag. How do I know? .45 acp does not use speed loaders. It using moon clips, which are little plastic pieces that grip the cases to hold them in the cylinder. The rounds don't have a rim protruding out of the bottom, so without a moonclip they will slide right out of the cylinder. .357 uses speed loaders, and it looks like the correct proportions between the rounds and the loaders. 2. The character couldn't hit the broad side of a barn the way he/she holds it. Proper revolver double action grip has your hand as far up as possible, with the web of your hand just below the top, and the hammer almost hitting you when it's cocked. They way they hold it the recoil would move the gun around so much that you couldn't stay on target in the amount of time it takes to pull the trigger and fire.