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About sk3tchbox

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. awww man. i just alt+tabbed out to report that it worked and i died :(
  2. Sick! It worked! Thanks :D
  3. I would also like to know this.
  4. sk3tchbox

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    stuck here too
  5. sk3tchbox

    DayZ Unofficial 500 Slot Public Teamspeak!

    right on, thank you. im installing ts right now. im looking for people to help me learn the game a bit, or at least people to play with.
  6. sk3tchbox

    R4GE DayZ Clan. [Recruiting]

    Name: Bud Age: 23 TimeZone: UTC -7 Why ?: Its impossible to play without having teammates. Teamwork : 8 Teamspeak: Yes Skype: Yes How long played : 3 hours, i just got arma 2 yesterday.