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About mcdosy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mcdosy

    Starting Stick Weapon

    You usually can. Occasionally though' date=' you aggro a zombie trying to get to one, and then you're reduced to sprinting across the map. Last time that happened, I couldn't help thinking that irl I'd probably at least scoop up a rock. Failing that I might at least [i']attempt to throw a punch. Starting off utterly defenseless is the root cause of a lot of Benny Hill routines, and being able to put up some sort of fight would be more believable than trying the find a hill of the right gradient. In this scenario, you'd always find something to swing. It's worth remembering that Cillian Murphy wouldn't have got very far without his carrier bag full of soda cans...
  2. mcdosy

    Day/Night cycle

    My 2p: A shortened day night cycle would mean everybody getting the variety of day and night, rather than people always playing in the day or always playing in the night. That would be more fun than people just picking a server so that they always have day time. Night time gets a bit trying after a couple of hours. Does anyone actually play long sessions at night?
  3. mcdosy

    Suggestion: Make Zombies Zombies.

    Cheers vesmo! That's a much more satisfying reply. I guess I'll have to keep waiting for my ultimate first person zombie survivalist game. Personally, I like that all-or-nothingness you can have with zombies. With infected, you always end up being immune with a life bar and attritional gameplay. I love the idea of it being one careless instant that leads to your death, rather than a counter grinding down to zero. That's tension. I think that plus rage infected would just be too hardcore. I'm sure they'll be more to follow. This is going ballistic, Project Zomboid is already huge, and there's still Dead State to come. There must be a game coming to go along with World War Z too? All the zombie films have been so lousy recently, I'm not surprised people have lost the point of what makes them so good. IMHO, "Day Z" is incredibly misleading if you're going to make an 'infected' game.
  4. mcdosy

    Suggestion: Make Zombies Zombies.

    I've read the posts rocket made on the subject. For me, that doesn't remove the subject as a point for debate. If you don't want to debate it, stop clicking on threads entitled "make zombies zombies". So far, I haven't seen anyone make a case for 'infected' being better, only them being there. Starting your game design from a point of massive compromise isn't a good foundation. Neither is stating that you "WILL NOT" consider any alternatives to a decision. Right now, this feels like a massive compromise. It doesn't fit with the survivalism fantasy, and making fast zombies just means they're hard to shoot, and melee becomes a battle of attrition - neither of which are actually very fun. If rocket starts with a compromised engine and environment and then just makes further compromises from there, exactly at what point do you think a great game is suddenly going to emerge from it? I don't entirely agree that slow zombies require hundreds of them to become a threat. That is balanced against a single touch being potentially fatal, so going into any confined space should be scary. If fast zombies was the gameplay experience he'd always wanted to create, then fair enough. This doesn't sound like that's the case though. There's clearly a huge amount of interest in this project right now. If the engine can't currently do what's required to fulfill the vision, that would not be impossible to change.
  5. mcdosy

    Suggestion: Make Zombies Zombies.

    Er...yeah...what you've done there is successfully identified what they are. (Go you) What you've missed is that the debate is over what they should be. Anyone who thinks zombies aren't dangerous or exciting or a threat just because they don't run like Usain Bolt has very little imagination. The danger comes from the slightest slip - the tiniest scratch or bite - costing you your life. The excitement comes from the level of threat having multiple stages. One zombie isn't much of a threat' date=' but fighting it might attract more. The threat comes from being cornered or mobbed, so the situation from spotting one zombie can develop. Sometimes it'll be no problem, sometimes the beginning of an escalating major event. With 'infected' the first moment I get spotted by the first enemy, that's it, I'm Benny Hilling around the landscape. It's samey and dull instead of varied and exciting. Every encounter immediately reaches the same point and the same response. Fewer guns, slower zombies, more of them. Someone [i']please make a zombie survivalism game instead of an 'infected' FPS. We already have Left 4 Dead. Day Z has a long way to go before matching it.