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Christoffer (DayZ)

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About Christoffer (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I just get a "enter name and password" pop-up when trying to download it and I've tried to download it as annonymous and still wont work, any other link for 94876 would be highly appreciated :)
  2. Christoffer (DayZ)

    don't waste your money

    idd it will good sir... idd it will :)
  3. Christoffer (DayZ) Waiting for host - 94876

    Wait for host...
  4. Christoffer (DayZ)

    Stuck at loading.

    Well im moaning like a bitch... Havent been able to play this in nearly a month bumper :@
  5. Christoffer (DayZ)

    "Waiting for Character to create" - Read this!

    Same Loading issue as everybody else here... Fuck it im just gonna wait until someone tells me this works again peace!
  6. Christoffer (DayZ)

    Stuck at Loading screen!!

    Im also getting stuck at "Loading" and I've been waiting for 1hours+ and still wont get into SE12 / Seattle 11, tried 30 mins on alot of random server aswell.. Feels like wasted time and i feel robbed. Just want to be able to play again.. even running thru cherno with a flashlight sounds like fun at this point... Feel free to delete my character if this will fix it (Christoffer) or ( Christoffer).