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About hesseltinga

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    On the Coast
  1. Good on you you killed the bastards. If they spawned on top of the building to get gear back they're most likely the guys that died hacking their spawn point.
  2. I can confirm it is broken. It has not worked between me and 3 others today either when we needed it to.
  3. All I have to say to all of the QQing in this thread is - Jesus guys, it's a fricking alpha state of the game. Stop expecting it to be paradise for gaming.
  4. hesseltinga

    Pinkys Adult Playground - ugN Gaming

    Alright thanks Krisis.. :) Just ot let you know - I am really looking forward to joining, but I'd hate to be limited to just mindless banditry (in simple terms). :P
  5. hesseltinga

    Pinkys Adult Playground - ugN Gaming

    Hey, I am quite interested in joining, but not entirely sure what group I'd like to belong to. I suppose I'd label myself a bandit, since I will take out someone that is a threat and/or if it is a fair fight (I don't kill someone without gear). I will likely also fight over loot with strangers depending on the loot (military camps, the airfield lootspots etc). So two quesiton for you: Assuming I'd join the bandits, I was just curious how much people you got signed up as bandits staged in the EU. Also, do you guys have such things such as squads being formed within the clan? Like 3-6 guys that make their own group to 'roll' with? :) Tactical squad gameplay is what I'm primarily interested in! EDIT: PS: I was wondering whether a person signed up as a bandit will be stuck in the 'bandit role'. I have read that you cannot change groups, and I understand that, but I am a guy that loves helping someone out if they really need help sometimes as well as being PvP orientated (if that makes sense). In other words, how restrictive are the groups/roles?