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About Sixthedk

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. "You" being this entire thread buddy, and by posting you are getting yourself into the middle of this. Don't act like you aren't contributing to this. So yes, you are attacking me.
  2. Because children like you of course :) Why attack me and not the hacker? It's obvious, you're butthurt because I show-cased(not recommending it, i even told people to not join the server because i didn't want them to be a part of what he was doing) exploiting in your favvvvvvvvvorite game. So you attack me because it's public and I was in the lime light. Instead of attack the hacker WHICH YOU HAVE THE NAME OF. It's clearly just a personal attack on me because you're upset at me laughing at the game. Also, please don't post the video where he agreed to just take us back to where we were so we could continue to progress normally and continue playing like we were before he stream sniped me. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE KEEP IT ONE SIDED.
  3. No thank you. I'm done playing DayZ regardless of my CDkey being banned or not.
  4. Hello, Sixthedk here. Would just like to say thank you guys for being so obviously understanding about this situation. I'm new to playing DayZ and this was a very welcoming experience. Its obvious you are nothing but a bunch of self-righteous people who think anything outside of your standards deserves to parish. A hacker abused me and my friends by stream sniping for hours until we finally just stopped server hopping and rerolling to hang around. He did some interesting things that we didnt know were possible and how could we just walk away from that? We werent dayz experts, we didnt know that everyone would freak out and attempt a mass extinction of our group. You insist on calling me mentally impaired for this? You know this wouldn't bother me at all because I dont enjoy DayZ that much, but the fact that you people think its okay to try to get my partnered stream banned (my only current employment) because you somehow feel obligated to do so is very pathetic. If you want to attack my livelihood for 30 mins of random entertainment to a new videogame then you better be prepared. *The reason we stuck around also was because eventually he took us back to the location that he came in and killed us all at, so we didnt lose hours of work* Have a great day, SIX THE DK.