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Everything posted by yumey95

  1. So based on the information given by the internets, Dayz has right now around 900 000 unique players. Which means that there ought to be some moments where you just feel bad for what happend, something that makes you regret the actions you did. Tell your stories here, they are interesting :D
  2. yumey95

    Lee Enfield, Yay or Nay?

    Havent used it that much, But i got my first murder with that, so... Yay i guess?
  3. yumey95

    Team Size?

    Ive only played solo so far since my friends think that arma is a "wierd army game". Nevertheless, i think 3-4 is the optimal squad. 13 is a pain haha.
  4. My first murder got me terrified, made me feel bad for myself for quite a while. What happend was that i was looting the cafe's in Cherno, and i had heard gunshots earlier so i was very scared of someone coming in here. I found some pepsis and cans but not much else, and when i was about to go out, i saw a guy heading towards the cafe i was in. I panicked, so i crouch-ran up the stairs (stupid right) and readied my AKM. He took some time in the first floor, i heard his footsteps. I then crawled to the end of the second floor, and hid behind the warderobe. He walked up the stairs shortly after, and found nothing becuase i took all of the items with worth, so he did not get anything. He then walked to the room i was in, he did not see me at first, but then turned around. And we just stared at each other for like 10 seconds. He had a enfield equipped. So i wrote in chat: "I wont shoot if you just go now." He did not seem to understand. So i said the same thing in voice chat. He didnt do anything. At this moment i was scared shitless becuase all he did was to stand in the same spot, looking at me. Then i decided to shoot him, becuase i felt threatened. I put two bullets in his head, and got a murder. Didnt like it at all..
  5. Yes ive had this in my mind for quite a while, it would be a very good feature. You have my beans.
  6. yumey95

    ArmA III(DayZ stand alone) engine improvements

    I just hope that rocket knows what he is doing. I hope for a good Dayz-experience. Not a good experience with the new engine.
  7. yumey95

    The murderer problem

    Unfortunately, right now the answer to your question for many players is "lets kill some shit!" and thus, people complain about player killing. The reason why is because most people dont have the imagination to come up with all the crazy stuff like helping others, killing players with hatchets and such. Also. There will never be a punishment for playing in a certain way. Being a bandit is a choise the player made, you cant punish them for that. You will have to accept the fact that there will always be bandits. Your best option is to try to avoid them, if you do not enjoy pvp.
  8. 7200 RPM :) 10 000 RPM is pretty nice too haha, though that is unneccesary. They are expensive per gigabyte and you will be better off with a SSD.
  9. Im thinking about doing the same thing as you. I have a quad core (intel i7 2600k) which has hyperthreading so it has 4 logical cores. It has served me well when playing games, surfing the web and recording. My only problem is HDD's. Recording with fraps is best done by having two separate harddrives for that. One for having the games on, and one where you save the recordings. That way you will minimize the work done and you will get smoother videos. If you want to do this hardcore, you can get "dxtory" which is an alternative to fraps. It has a function where you can split the recording into two pieces, and if you then have three harddrives (one for games, and two for the recordings) you will get super smooth videos. About the write speed. 100-150 mb/s is sufficient. The main thing to worry about is hardrives and graphical settings.
  10. Forums. They should be a good source of information about a subject(s) and a good way to discuss something with people right? You can find guides, you can read on whats new and chillout in offtopic sometimes if thats what youre into. Oh boy this place must be fun to hang out on! No, it mostly isnt because of some types of posts. Very many people use the dayz forums for something else, thats right, complaining. Noone likes it, it wont make a difference most of the times. Complaining/whining/qq'ing will just make other people annoyed, because there are those that realize that this is alpha. When you downloaded Dayz, you pressed a button that said "Download DayZ" but i think that the people that are posting the posts where they just complain, didnt read the second line (Alpha test). It even says so in capital letters! People. i think that Rocket has a plan for his game, i think he knows what to do. The game wont be faultless in this stage. When a game is in alpha its in the experiment stage, according to Rocket. Its in beta stage where all the annoying bugs and such will be removed. So people, dont post the unnecessary QQ-posts. Either play something else, or try to think of this game as "unfinished" because it isnt. Most of the problems in alpha are going to be fixed when the game is standalone. You are just testing the alpha of a mod of a military shooter. tl;dr - Dont post QQ-posts, play the alpha and look forward to standalone.
  11. So... rocket and team is doing all of this to us? I dont know what you have been smoking/eating.
  12. yumey95

    this mod is in beta...

    Lowbei is the kind of people that should not play Dayz imo. So much ignorance.
  13. I was thinking about teh same thing actually haha
  14. This will not happen haha, i only wish for people to use the search function before posting something :D
  15. Yeah but, if one posts feedback and mentions one bug. Why does 99 more need to mention that same bug again? One time is enough imo
  16. If giving feedback = Talk about the same bugs 100 times.then yeah.. go ahead. I did not for this to happen. After many posts about the same subject im sure rocket knows what is wrong about the game currently.
  17. yumey95

    Take out .50 cals

    Hello there slipknot fan :D
  18. yumey95

    Night Vis, GPS, CAMO

    They are rare items. They are not supposed to be found easily :)
  19. There is not going to be a consequence for killing others. Perhaps changed looks, but they will never get a bounty or a -10% damage or something like that. Just play the alpha and look forward to the final product.
  20. The thing with Dayz though is that its trying to simulate a post apocalyptic wasteland. If this happend IRL, different kinds of people act differently. There would be people teaming up, trying to survive together on the stuff they find. And im sure there will be those poeple that will kill others for the loot they have. And perhaps those that shoot for fun, but those people are either insane or something i dont know...
  21. yumey95

    Battleye: Banned from UK 25

    Perhaps the tent was the admins and he got mad and banned you because of that?
  22. yumey95

    'OP' Guns and the Future of Dayz

    Well, i do not agree with your proposition on charges. That does not make any sense. Being shot by a .50cal bullet from 1000 meters hurts, i think the damage should be where it is right now. But the NVG's do require some change, IRL ones only give you the ability to see in darkness for about 125 meters or something. And Dayz NVG's make you see really far, in the night. Thermal weapons are just doing their job, i dont know what to do about them since ive never used one.
  23. yumey95

    My super awesome fun suggestion thread

    I like number 2. The rest, im indifferent about.
  24. So dayz is getting really popular (Captain obvious strikes again), and there are people that are complaining about there not being stuff to do after getting the gear and establishing a group/joining a clan. Me personally, ive played dayz since 1.6.9 or something and i have only played solo. So i have not done much and im not complaining about there not being much to do, so i dont know what would keep the players that have played 300-500 or so hours. What would be "endgame content" in your opinion?