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Everything posted by yumey95

  1. yumey95

    Too many Guns.

    Ok thats more than i knew haha, i have not played the Arma campaign, so i just made an assumption with sweden in mind. But what youre saying seems correct so it explains the weaponry everywhere.
  2. yumey95

    NVG's imba.

    Well i do realize that they cant make you see people 1km away with them on, its like 150 meters max or something, i know haha
  3. yumey95

    NVG's imba.

    NVG's cant be nerfed since they do what real life NVG's do
  4. yumey95

    Too many Guns.

    This would change DayZ in many ways. I do agree though that firearms are available in unorthodox places. I think it will remove from the gameplay experience though, im not sure. If rocket wants to add to realism, he should do something about the weapons.
  5. yumey95

    Dayz endgame ideas.

    Haha, perhaps.
  6. yumey95

    Dayz endgame ideas.

    Im not the person that gathers loot and hides, the only good stuff i have right now is an Alice pack and an AKM Kobra, so ive got a long way to go before even reaching the point where i can think "Im set, lets snipe some people". Im not even into that gameplay.
  7. yumey95

    Dayz endgame ideas.

    Im not thinking about missions, they do not belong in sandboxes, you are right. Im thinking about stuff that will keep you in dayz after you've gotten the good stuff.
  8. yumey95

    Nighttime is NOT realistic

    Actually, Dayz is a mod off of a military simulator so its supposed to be very close to real life. I understand why the threadstarter is complaining about this, and i think its an issue that will be solved in standalone.
  9. So im abit confused. In current state, Dayz is a mod in alpha, to a military shooter, rocket said somewhere that he will probably make dayz standalone this year (around christmas) but what will excatly will that change? Will it make it easier for him to develop the game? What can he do then that he cannot now? Im just seeing all this talk about dayz hitting standalone, but im not quite sure what that will change. If someone can explain to me, that would be nice :)
  10. So based on what im hearing, dayz hitting standalone is a very positive thing :D very nice!
  11. The playerbase of dayz is made up of groups and lonewolves. The groups sit on skype/ventrilo/teamspeak and talk while playing the game, because communication is very helpful in this sort of game. I consider this not right, and is an unfair advantage. I imagine a group of people that play dayz would be laughing away and talking about random stuff and only when they encounter hostile people would they get their shit together and play the game the way its supposed to be played. Now imagine dayz without those programs, a walkie talkie system implemented with your voice being heard to people around you based on how loud you speak. Now people wouldnt laugh like they did, or they just are not afraid. This would add alot to the experience i think.
  12. yumey95

    Blocking VOIP while playing Dayz

    I realize now that there will always be a way around this, and blocking voip programs would be illegal i did not know, but never the less. IF and IF people didnt want to do this, playing on some kind of "Roleplay" server where they dont have any of the programs on, it would immerse players and make them think before they speak.
  13. Picture yourselves the date that Dayz is no longer patched or maintained and the Hive is controlled by the people that are forever-dayz-players. What would it look like? In my personal opinion i would want the following stuffs: - Server system similar to EVE Onlines, having 25 000 players online at all times. - A map, 65 000 km2 in size with different landscapes (not too varied, to keep the realism). - Several major cities with higwhays connecting all of them. - Having your viewing distance affected by the weater (more advanced, because of the bigger map). - Season changing and night/day-cycles similar to IRL (seasons maybe shorter) - More loot (including more weapons, tools and so on). - Walkie talkie system. - Blocking VOIP programs when playing dayz, only allowing the ingame system. - Ability to chop down trees and replant them, and use the wood gathered for various things. - Being able to create a house or something. (Using the trees gathered). - Underground bases. - Zombies pathfinding is fixed. - Zombies are slower. (Different kinds of zombies exist though). - 30 000 or more zombies active at all times. - Ability to create weapons/ammo in factories, constructed by the players. (getting carried away here perhaps) - More kinds of animals. - Different kinds of diseases, - Comfort meter. (Maybe im just being a sissy, but crouching/laying down for 30 minutes in the same position isnt very comfy) Thats all i can think of right now, will add later perhaps! More stuffs below. - Guns can have different attachments found/crafted by the player (flashligts, silencers, red dots) Tell me what your dayz would look like!
  14. yumey95

    Dayz of your dreams.

    Close to what is experienced in Dayz right now :D
  15. yumey95

    Dayz of your dreams.

    IF it would be possible, it would add elements of roleplay since you cant have that one guy telling stories about random stuff and laugh while you are trying to snipe someone :)
  16. yumey95

    Dayz of your dreams.

    Exactly, its not very realistic unless everyone are marathon runners on drugs. Which ones do you disagree with and why, im interested
  17. yumey95

    Blocking VOIP while playing Dayz

    It will be a very hard task but, IF its possible to do, it would be wort it.
  18. yumey95

    Blocking VOIP while playing Dayz

    Yes, this is what im thinking about. Beans to you.
  19. yumey95

    Dayz of your dreams.

    I will find my 50 year old neighbour and her wife drinking tea, not as interesting as Dayz i think :)
  20. Well im looking for a clan or group of some sort also. Im 16 though, so maybe you guys dont want younger than 20 or something, i dont know. But playing DayZ in a group with some people would be fun. Skype: Yumey_95 Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/sniffingguy
  21. yumey95

    R4GE DayZ Clan. [Recruiting]

    First name: Dmitri (I know how to speak normal english, without an accent and im not russian, born in sweden but my parents are russian). Age: 16. TimeZone: GMT +2. Why you want to join: Playing DayZ alone can be quite boring at times, so teamwork with other people would be fun. I really enjoy working as a team in this game. Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 9. Do you have Teamspeak: Yes. Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): Yes. How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie) 3 weeks.