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Everything posted by alaness

  1. Me and some friends are putting together an experimental cluster of high power computers for one weekend to host the biggest dayZ server yet (Non-Hive). It will run on a 15 Mbps upload connection to handle full load without lag (theoretically) and have a permanent admin presence to monitor hackers. There will be a lot of fast spawning consumable loot as well as low power weapons to keep everyone on the sever from starving to death. Higher power weapons will spawn at the normal rate and will likely go fast. We'll be hosting it for just the one weekend to see if, and how it plays out. If it works we'll probably run a kickstarter project to cover the cost of running it more permanently linked to the dayz hive. What do you guys think, would you be on-board with this?
  2. Don't worry - It's not this coming weekend! We still have fix a few kinks and run some numbers so it will be in a few weeks time.
  3. The reason it will be running without the dayZ hive is because it will only be going for 3 days and is still an experimental system - If something goes wrong like our CPU's burn out (and I bloody hope they don't) you still have your normal hive game to fall back on.
  4. alaness


    Hear me out. I'm not suggesting actual werewolves, but infected dogs or bares that stalk and hunt players at night. How unnerving would it be if you where walking though the forests in the pitch black of night when you hear the growls and heavy breathing of a "Werewolf" stalking you.
  5. alaness


    I didn't notice that, oopps Yeah, it was a bit of tongue-in-cheek title to grab people's attention. Sleazy I know.
  6. alaness

    Progress NOT saved

    Same. I was at the north west airport, sever timed out. Logged back on and I'm where I was several hours ago. My kill count has gone from 56 to 1. =( It was the first time I started doing well.
  7. alaness


    People will not only fear been eaten by the zombies, but also other players?
  8. alaness


    I did. Looks like I missed an N in my search spelling. Never mind.
  9. alaness

    Survivor trading camp

    I've been thinking about this for a few days now and I think it will be an excellent scientific experiment into society formation. How about a small tented trading post somewhere like the lighthouse where survivors can meet up and trade items for goods or services. Kind of like a market. People can trade food or ammunition for weapons, or hire other players as mercenaries for raids. Say if you fixed up a car, you will be able to start earning sweet loot off other players in exchange for rides to locations. Or if you've got a load of blood packs you can camp out and make yourself a doctor. The only downside is there will be a lot of bandit raids, but that's the nature of the game, so traders may need to hire guards. After awhile the post might start gaining a permanent population of survivors, who have taken on roles in the community. Just an idea, what do you guys think? -Alan
  10. It would be a nice feature if you could make a throwable device to draw hordes of zombies to a location, such as an enemy camp or a sniper nest. You could take it further and make it so you can throw blood packs on enemy players so zombies will become hypersensitive to them.
  11. Loading screen of death on all severs so far for me..
  12. alaness

    who wants the spawn weapon back

    I hate reading these threads, everyone replaying are so full of themselves. "Starting with nothing reaffirms the gravity of the situation blah blah fucking blah" Yes, spawning with something to defend yourself should be a feature. All the guns end up being hoarded by bandits who fuck over the whole experience.
  13. alaness

    Balancing Dayz

    I don't like the fact I can't use a hunting knife as a weapon or even as something to HUNT with. I mean come on it's a knife!