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Everything posted by dayzlfg.com

  1. dayzlfg.com

    New DayzLFG tool launched

    Hey guys, just launched a LFG web app for DayZ. www.dayzlfg.com Basically a place where people can go to find groups. (all skill levels, timezones, etc) The tool is live and we're doing daily updates to both UI and database. You can create a Looking for Group post, set your Skill Level, TimeZone, How many people you're looking for, and other details about your post. All on sortable tables for easier filtering. We'll also be pushing all LFG posts to our Twitter account, so you can also find groups via twitter. Send any suggestions, feedback, or hate to twitter.com/dayzlfg, Forum PM, or dayzlfg@gmail.com Also have a public DayZ vent server (upgrading as we grow, see website for details). note: if you're a developer of a DayZ Mobile App, or new launcher, or anything interesting - hit us up. We have some very talented UI/Database developers that would love to help out. -DayzLFG.com Team
  2. dayzlfg.com

    New DayzLFG tool launched

    @Burro Thanks, yeah we hope so too. @Wortex haha I already have that DL'd mate, good to see that was yours. pretty neat. We have some pretty good devs over here, Though not sure how well versed these guys are for Native android, they can certainly do damage in photoshop and web based languages. We can give you Database connection info, and your app can pull posts, as well as write posts. which is pretty much full integration. PM'ing you now. @caviano hey thanks for the feedback; Yeah we honestly just used our development vent server and opened a few more slots. We weren't sure if we should go large vent server, or smaller multiple platform servers (TS, Mumble, etc). We are definitely working on getting more server platforms in the near future.
  3. Hey guys, just launched a LFG web app for DayZ. www.dayzlfg.com Basically a place where people can go to find groups. (all skill levels, timezones, etc) The tool is live and we're doing daily updates to both UI and database. You can create a Looking for Group post, set your Skill Level, TimeZone, How many people you're looking for, and other details about your post. All on sortable tables for easier filtering. We'll also be pushing all LFG posts to our Twitter account, so you can also find groups via twitter. Send any suggestions, feedback, or hate to twitter.com/dayzlfg, Forum PM, or dayzlfg@gmail.com Also have a public DayZ vent server (upgrading as we grow, see website for details). note: if you're a developer of a DayZ Mobile App, or new launcher, or anything interesting - hit us up. We have some very talented UI/Database developers that would love to help out. -DayzLFG.com Team