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About daxius

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  1. I had the same question and before posting a new tread, i searched and found this. Now the big difference here is, i did not get my L115A3 LLR from a corpse, tent or vehicle, but from a loot pile in Cherno. I found it with 6 mags on a normal loot spot inside the southern military tent (not medical tent), to the right. I wondered whether this was a new addition to the weaponry in DayZ or a weapon were there previously and a player (not saying a hacker, could be anyone) replaced for whatever he/she thought was better and placed the L115A3 on the ground. I picked it up with the intension of finding out if it was hacked or not. Havent used it a single time. And from what ive learned here, on next occasion i log in, i will find a animal/zombie, place the weapon and mags and hide the body, making sure it gets destroyed.
  2. daxius

    A dead end, but a new friend?

    Where is the e-book? Fantastic story... Got carried away. The DayZ Chronicles!
  3. daxius

    My game experience of my last 7 lives.

    DayZ - It's not how you live, it's how you die. :)
  4. daxius

    Brothers Til Death - Recruiting

    Ohoy there m8'ies :-) Im Daxius from Denmark. I would like to join so i will log on to your TS in about 10 hours. Hope to see you there :-D
  5. OP: Very nice idea. You never know what she used that for, maybe sneak around touching younger men or stealing coffee and old bread at the grocery store :)
  6. Cool story :thumbsup:
  7. daxius

    What do YOU carry?

    M4A1 CCO SD + 3 mags M9 SD + 4 mags 4x Bandages Backback: Mk 48 Mod 0 + 2x100 mags 2x Water canteens 2x Morphine 2x Epi pen 2x Painkillers Xx Food (Depends on room left) 1x Camo suit / Guillie suit (Depends on what im wearing) No flares or chemlight. Binoculars / NVG Full toolbelt except radio.
  8. daxius

    NGSF recruiting many good mens

    Sended you a PM PaxtonMega. Hope to hear from you soon :)
  9. daxius

    Team up with me?

    Read the pinned posts on a forum before creating a new thread please. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29019-are-you-looking-for-others-to-team-up-with-want-to-announce-clan-read-this/
  10. Expert = Zed's have players highlighted? :-) j/k
  11. daxius

    Danish guy looking for players.

    Hey guys. I would really like to join someone aswell. Its a too large world for a lone wolf and i prefer playing with others. I tend to play on DK1.SOEBORG. PM me please and we can hook up.