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Everything posted by gunnyrolling

  1. gunnyrolling


    Hacked, I would put it on a zombie body and hide it.
  2. gunnyrolling

    Starting Weapon

    I think starting with a crowbar (which takes 5-8 hits to kill) would be reasonable.
  3. gunnyrolling

    Funny Dayz Meme

    Sure, you could jump IRL, but why the hell would you randomly around jump in combat? 1/10: would not post this meme.
  4. gunnyrolling

    Losing hope.

    Wuite frankly, I think they need to fix cheating before adding ANYTHING NEW. You cant enjoy new content if it just gets cheated away from you anyway.
  5. Rocket says he is fixing the Barbed Wire glitch next patch, thank god. Can't even go close to Balota or Cherno :\
  6. gunnyrolling

    Why this mod is failing

    I've met some friendly players that are totally incompetent, and I just leave them alone. But I have met several players that have actually been good companions for a couple hours, and we help each other get geared up, then leave. I dont think the game should FORCE you to be friends, but I think part of DayZ is the fact that you can be put into situations where grouping up with strangers in beneficial, and you make a new friend to play with. It's a hell of alot more intetreesting then just shooting EVERYONE on sight. PvP is vital but it's very overdone, and gets stale when you haven't actually met somone (that doesn't shoot you or run away) in a week of play.
  7. It could be because you are the same internet connction possibly.
  8. gunnyrolling

    Why this mod is failing

    That's EXACTLY what this game needs, incentive to be friendly. Basically the only "friendlies" I've met so far, are new players. Occasionally I have met armed, and geared players that simply want to group up, AND THAT IS WHAT makes this game FANTASTIC! Any other game can be a shooting match. But only this game can have you stumble upon somone, team up and help each other survive. And yes, PvP is an important aspect of the game, it keeps things tense. But it's no longer tense when you know EVERYONE is going to shoot on sight, its just boring. Then it just becomes deathmatch, with perma-death and RPG elements.
  9. gunnyrolling

    What the hell happened to night servers?

    I only play on nights with moons, but without the moon its just unrealisticly dark. I've been far away from cities on clouded, mooonless nights IRL and it still isn't THAT dark!
  10. gunnyrolling

    Player Made "Left 4 Dead" style Graffiti

    Cool idea, not sure how it would be implemented though.
  11. gunnyrolling

    Armed / Armored / Silent Zombies

    Ok, zombies with more damage, yes. ZOMBIES THAT KNOCK YOU OUT IN ONE HIT???? WHAT ARE YOU THINKING GOOD SIR?
  12. gunnyrolling

    [VIDEO] I brought this upon myself

    Wow...of all the ways to die in a zombie apocalypse, you died in a car crash. Well done sir :3
  13. gunnyrolling

    Goats Eat EVERYTHING

    Now I finally have a reason to use my CZ550! :D ALL GOATS SHALL DIE!
  14. gunnyrolling


    As the second poster said it may not have been arma, could have been a different piece of malware that was already n your computer.
  15. gunnyrolling

    FPS drops to 10 at night

    I dont really know what to say about that, that CPU and GFX card should easily handle ARMA :P
  16. gunnyrolling

    Am I using DC correctly?

    You are doing it right, people are just assholes. :P
  17. gunnyrolling

    For those of you mad about 4 hatchet barns.

    Last barn I went into had every loot pile spawn a hatchet, and nothing else :P
  18. gunnyrolling

    Rare Guns Spawed in Zombie Baby Rooms

    The Zombies are infected humans, not their own race. I dont think they could reproduce, or I just don't want to think that they do O_o
  19. If you have Matches, and a Hunting Knife, you could use your hatchet to gather wood from some trees, and cook meat you get off of some animal (restores 800 blood). Other than that, you pretty much need somone to fix you up :\
  20. Good suggestions, I think the first one would be great. Sometimes you really need ammo, and finding some on a military zombie sometimes would make sense.
  21. Good Idea, although I think there should kind of a "Veteran" skin, for people who have played for a long time. Beans have been given.
  22. gunnyrolling

    Small Tactical Group Looking For New Buddys

    I've been looking for a DayZ group, my time zone is GMT -8, and I play mid-day on weekdays and weekends. Current character has an AKM and G17. EDIT: I also don't have a microphone, but i'm probably getting one soon.