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About LLITiF

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  1. LLITiF

    Good Bye m107 & AS50

    In first post: And I talk not with you, I answer HOWTO find any goods (SVD\DMR too, not only removed weapons). If you don't read first message - why you try to fix me?
  2. LLITiF

    Good Bye m107 & AS50

    EN:Death Dealer, did Russian section has less collection of kids? RU:Death Dealer, что, в русской секции детей меньше?! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/136728-50s-l119-or-none/page__st__40 Best thread with poll. ./exiting
  3. LLITiF

    Good Bye m107 & AS50

    OKAY. Captain Obvious?
  4. LLITiF

    Good Bye m107 & AS50

    What part of my message you can't understand? In arma2 without DayZ mod activated you may launch single player game with many options to train your skill with choppers\cars\weapons. And if you "don't know how" it's obviously your problem, not public (99% of public will never enter to this forum). How you fly on choppers?! Poll about "1 shot" weapons(M107 AS50) should be simple. It's good and should be in mod or it's bad (kids, ur welcome like with L85 AWS) and should be removed for life.
  5. LLITiF

    Good Bye m107 & AS50

    ryanhop2 you lazy to launch vanilla arma2 oa and in armory \ editor and test your skills with that weapon? =) Poll: 1 hit weapons in Dayz Mod: Good Bad
  6. LLITiF

    Good Bye m107 & AS50

    Spawn? Just take hatchet and move into "КОЛГАЗ" in cherno. If you have luck - after 20-30 minutes you kill someone with AS50 ;)
  7. LLITiF

    Good Bye m107 & AS50

    ryanhop2, Just because kids that never playing in dayz mod now laughting at bandits that killing they with as50 (and tons of kid-snipers in cherno, of course). It's obviously make only ton's of trolling =) make poll and close thread xD
  8. LLITiF

    Good Bye m107 & AS50

    Oh no... Stop tearing! I'm so sorry!
  9. LLITiF

    Good Bye m107 & AS50

    EN:Death Dealer, ok, i think ur Troll, what it change? RU:Death Dealer, ну, а я думаю ты тролль, что это меняет?
  10. LLITiF

    Good Bye m107 & AS50

    My opinion: to prevent tears and butthurts create poll for 1 hit sniper weapons, should it be in game, or no =)
  11. LLITiF

    Good Bye m107 & AS50

    No more killing spree in cherno. No more killing spree in Elektro. No more killing spree in NWAF. It's good? No, it's killing all atmosphere of scaring. Now you won't die if you do not want. Enfield\DMR\M14\SVD don't has much damage, you may gone from shooting range. If u have luck, of course, but may. No more sitting near Visota for killing snipers with DMR in Cherno sniper points. [sarcasm]For that moment I recommend to developers remove from game that items: *GPS *NV GOOGLES *DMR *RANGEFINDER Of course, it's bad idea and it's imbalance, but it's very good idea after removing M107.[/sarcasm] Ton's of kids now entering to this forum "HELL YEAH! SNIPER DON'T KILL ME IN CHERNO"... But it's not true. They(snipers) have new made DMR's with nv googles and rangefinders and ready to kill you with more energy. For M107.
  12. This server started, but long time runs with only 3 peoples limit, and without restarts, of course. Proof in arma 2 game statistic (may give link, if needed).
  13. This server today lost all vehicles and defend objects(hogs,traps). After this we walk at 6-7 vehicle spawns near zelenogorsk-pustoshka and don't see any one.
  14. LLITiF

    FR48 Admin abuse

    How he should proof it? I'm agree topic starter. Admin kicks players from game.