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whatever (DayZ)

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Everything posted by whatever (DayZ)

  1. whatever (DayZ)

    Horrible FPS with my monster rig, Help me out?

    50-60 frames????? What kind of rig are you using? I'm getting 20 fps in Cherno with amd phenom 965 3.4Ghz, Nvidia 560TI, 4GB RAM Reducing distance to objects, isn't that part server sided to 1000? Thanks for your config setup, oh and archlinux rocks!
  2. whatever (DayZ)

    Horrible FPS with my monster rig, Help me out?

    Just so you know lowering settings under high will utilize CPU over GPU, which is NOT a good thing if you have a great GPU. I'm getting 20 fps in cities with my setup: amd phenom 965 3.4Ghz quad, 560ti, 4gb ram All settings to high except for aa/af/pp disabled. Lowering my setting causes lag (more CPU).
  3. whatever (DayZ)

    Is this a good video card?

    Agreed 300% I just with they would stop with this mess of branding gpu's it's downright silly. My favorite is when they refurb older models but with a new fan+slap a fancy name= voila a customer who just want a gpu will belive it's a newer model when in fact the only difference is the god damn fan. I bought a 560TI a few weeks ago, nothing fancy, I paid what I expected. I can max most games with an acceptable fps around 40 but day z runs like shit in towns :/ Have a good day sir!
  4. whatever (DayZ)

    Is this a good video card?

    Nvidias branding can get confusing (it's getting silly now) but the 550TI is THE gaming version of the 550, not the other way around. TI = titanium gaming build (higher clocks, more cores compared to GTX)
  5. whatever (DayZ)

    Missing Audio

    I had the same issue while updating to the most recent one. I fixed everything by deleting dayz and re-installing the mod using six
  6. After the most recent patch the game is now somewhat playable for me, at least the fps isn't nowhere as bad as before. But when I enter the large towns my fps goes from 4/5/60 down to 18 fps or holds around 20ish, same thing happens when I enter buildings. Before I ran the game on all the lowest/disabled settings I could and that made everything worse, after reading Flying on fumes post (thanks buddy) I now run everything at high and the game runs a lot better. But i'm still puzzled as to why the game drops 40 fps just by going into a town? Before anyone claim it's my setup, I run bf3 on ultra at 40 fps (single player, no aa), stalker maxed, crysis 2 maxed, etc etc, this is the only game so far where the fps drops to insane levels. Flying on fumes Any ideas? According to arma 2 sys requirements i'm well above, kinda odd seeing how the game runs.... Although arma 2 runs at 5-60fps maxxed in singleplayer. Before you suggest the usual: this is a new pc custom built, new os, new hdd etc, yes i've tried lower settings, but running at high makes the game run better for me. Yes all the other games runs flawlessy except dayz. Thanks
  7. I just saw this "guy" (don't want to get banned for cussing) who told the main dev of this mod NOT to patch the game any further. Well i'm happy YOU have a god damn SUPER computer to run this game with acceptable FPS. This is really one of my fav games, but I refuse to play it unless they seriously fix the fps issues. If you don't have any issues, then please don't voice your opinion, because frankly I don't care if you run this game with your lovely 100000$ custom built pc, I just don't. My specs: AMD X2 Phenom 965 4Ghz Geforce 560 GTX TI 1GB DD3 4GB RAM Start of game, fps goes from 50 down to 30-40, if I get close to a village or lots of zombies, 20 fps. Worst part is when I spawn near that big town elec something, then the FPS goes from 30-20 or far worse.. i've been at 12 fps. EDIT: Just so you know I am running everything on low/disabled /RANT
  8. whatever (DayZ)

    I envy the guys with SUPER computers who plays this game

    thanks for your suggestions but this is a new system with a new os, and i'm still having issues with day z. I've tried other games like metro 2033 and bf3, they all run great. Hell arma 2 runs great in singleplayer.. but day z mp doesn't :(
  9. whatever (DayZ)

    I envy the guys with SUPER computers who plays this game

    All settings are already at normal/low/disabled Yeah already running with low/disabled settings. Yeah i'm talking about dayz, funny enough I get good fps ingame (singleplayer) but mp takes a gigantic hit. I can get around 50-60 fps in singleplayer. all new system here' date=' installed os 2 days ago. New system, new os, i've noticed CPU is heavily at work during day z in multiplayer and less in singleplayer. I can get you a number when I get back from work, thanks.