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About xloppielx

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  1. xloppielx

    Word to the Wise

    You are gravely mistaken not all of humanity is so stupid as to revert to kill or be killed. There is safety in numbers, so more likely the majority would team together to continue living what would be a new life and then there would be a minority of people that would just kill everyone because of their own personal green. In Dayz since played by a bunch of savages there is very little hope to do anything but kill everyone around you. And in the even of a actual zombie apocalypse lol, my friends and I have had for quite some time detailed plan's of action and in it we don't start killing others unless we have to.
  2. Ok so if you want everyone on a level playing field then when you start out, you get a weapon, food, water, and a map pinpointing were everything is. Since people playing already know were most things are.
  3. In the case that your killer had a thermal scope it would be easy to track you down, and some will even use another on a motor vehicle to draw others out.
  4. This idea is stupid. Once you get to know how everything works, sure you might be able to manage but if you want people to actually start playing this game and grow its fan base more, spawning with nothing will stop that all together.
  5. xloppielx

    Level up,Colonies,Life Regen

    Sorry buddy you are wasting your time expressing how to make the game appeal to the masses. This game is not designed to be fun, it is strictly kill or be killed survival with some zombies thrown in the mix.
  6. xloppielx

    need help dayz black screen fade!

    Having the same issue, any server i log into updated or not fades in and out. Equipment screen comes up and stays fine while the main vision continues to fade in and out. I dont seem to be able to find an arma2oa.exe any were to try replacing it, and yes I got the game off of steam.
  7. xloppielx

    I dont get this game

    Unfortunately this game is not for the people that want to jump into a game to have fun right away and requires hours upon hours of exploring to get the hang of it. As for the zombies coming after you, just recently they have changed them to have the crazy ability to detect you from a really far distance so hopefully that gets changed back so if you even see a zombie try and not go in that direction. To help navigate around check out http://dayzmap.info/ and look for some land marks to find your location. For the general gamer's trying to jump in now that don't have 8 hours a day to play a video game you are pretty much Shit out of luck and should move on to another game.
  8. xloppielx

    Super new player

    Nope no jumping only "v" that will allow you to step over/ climb over a few things in the game.
  9. xloppielx

    idea for a starting weapon

    Zombies won't chase you down completely? WTF if Im being chased by a zombie and I run into a house that doesn't have a way out besides the one I came in I am guaranteed to be taking some kind of damage, they follow you right in. On the off chance you find a weapon in the house with a zombie chasing you it does you no good because stopping to try and pick it up and then having to equip it will get you killed unless you take off running some wear else and find something to loose or slow the zombie on to make it back to pick it up and hope you don't run into another zombie on the way.
  10. Anyone thinking that friends playing a video game together that use a 3rd party program like vent or Team speak is an exploit or cheating in any way need to get over your self and maybe get some friends to play with. It is a game and games are meant to be fun and enjoyable. Not being able to communicate with your friends while playing defeats the purpose of playing with a friend, especially in this game were the map is so big you may spend hours trying to even find them.
  11. xloppielx

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    Yes I understand that they are saying it is in "Alpha stage" but really this game is not an alpha its more in beta stage since all the game mechanics seems to be in place and scripted/programmed and now its all about play testing to see what needs to be adjusted.
  12. xloppielx

    Another zombie thread

    Since this new patch Zombies seem to be able to sense you from WAY to far away. I spawned some what near a town and was just able to see the entrance to one of the gates and just as a zombie came into sight( I mean literally came into sight, I couldn't even make out what direction it was facing or if it was even a zombie and not a player) it started bolting for me followed by 2 to 3 others. How are you suppose to avoid them if as soon as they are visible they come after you?
  13. xloppielx

    Thinking about Buying Arma For Dayz

    A couple of friends and I just bought the game to get this mod to try out and I can say for the majority of casual gamer's out there getting this game is a BAD idea. In order to have fun you will want to do some searching online to try and figure out were things are and what is important to try and gather, and for the most part you will also want to completely avoid anyone since they most likely will kill you on site. Starting new to the game expect to be running around for 30-45 mins trying to find anything till you get the hang of the environment. But once you get the hang of some things the game can be somewhat fun. I am hoping since the game is still in "Alpha" phase there will be a lot of major changes to make it more noob friendly and more enjoyable overall so it will become more enjoyable.
  14. xloppielx

    Zombies are Mike Tyson

    Is it normal for the zombies attack range be farther than the range you have to be to hit them with a hatchet?
  15. xloppielx

    idea for a starting weapon

    I just started trying to play this game and I have got to say starting out with nothing to defend your self is crap, especially since you cant even swing your fists to try and punch a zombie. If you made it so you could at least use some sort of melee attack than not having a weapon would be ok.