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Everything posted by simasz

  1. simasz

    Do *NOT* Spam Connections

    +1 Thank you Mojo, maybe people will stop complaining :)
  2. simasz

    Connection Failed - Booted from internet.

    EVERYBODY is having issues now, read the forums before flooding them with whining. The main server is having problems and that is being fixed. Sorry for the internet booting problem though
  3. simasz

    On pain and whiskey

    Alcohol could be used as a way to get rid of the panicking effect. You get some whisky in your system and you're less scared.
  4. simasz

    DayZ Cinematic Screens

    nicely done :)
  5. simasz

    about chat system

    There is the direct chat system. It's not working atm unless you use the Arma 2 beta :)
  6. simasz

    What's a bandit look like?

    bandit has a mask and is dressed in camo.
  7. simasz

    Study Body?

    I laughed the first time I inspected a dead cow and it said "his name was unknown" :DD
  8. simasz

    MERGED: Everything poop and pee

    LOL :DD I imagine a survivor having to stop every 2 minutes because of severe diarrhea and zombies just waiting for him to finish :DD
  9. simasz

    Graphics 'blur' effect.

    I think its the post-processing. try turning that down or even off
  10. No, there should be loads of zombies in the big cities, to represent the population. And the game HAS to be tense. Read, f.e. "the walking dead" comics, where the characters go through lots sneaking around to get into the outskirts of the city and not get spotted by Zeds, not to mention going deeper into the city.
  11. simasz

    Why does hardly anyone go north??

    I think the North gives a bit of a different experience to the player than coastal towns. In them, it's a meatgrinder with lots and lots of shooting. The North, however, is more of a horror-thriller type - most of the time you sneak around, adjust you route to zombies and villages, plan ahead (which villages might have good loot worth risking a zombie invasion chasing you through the street, which places might have bandits, etc.), and unexpected encounters can pump you full of adrenaline.. This is why I love the North, even if I do not fire a single shot for hours.
  12. simasz

    Why does hardly anyone go north??

    It's not coincidence. In Sobor and Airfields there are three types of players: bandits who try to take over the area because of the loot, survivors who loot and move around as quickly and silently as possible trying to maintain their precious inventory, and survivors who just got around there and try to find friends. The last ones die out so quickly you hardly ever meet them :D
  13. simasz

    Panic Mode... Degenerating over time

    I agree. Some experience and "getting used" to the zombies around should be seen. Because now your character has a small orgasm every time he sees zombies, no matter if he's new here or he went through half the map and met so many zombies that alive characters start to look weirder than the undead zig-zaggers
  14. simasz

    Why does hardly anyone go north??

    I think it might be all the new players showing up and trying not to go North (the forums and bandit stories are making North to a mystical land of every minute death :D). And usually the peeps that get enough equipment to wander North by themselves have enough experience not to run around screaming "I need friends!" in areas like Sobor or the airfield :DD
  15. When you're shaking like a crack addict on withdrawal, then you usually use the painkillers. When you have a broken leg, you use morphine. The easiest way is to just scroll through the action menu (mousewheel) when something is wrong (your character is shaking, you see broken bone sign, etc.), 'take morphine' or 'take painkillers' show up when you need them :)
  16. Same problems. Are you guys updating servers or something?
  17. simasz

    Please take my money!

    So if donations to rocket are out of the question, why couldn't we chip in or donate for a backup or another main server?
  18. simasz

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    I encountered that as well, in one of the servers it was actually 0 zombies constantly...
  19. simasz

    Zombie Types / Skins

    I imagine zombie birds just stalking you from above :DD
  20. simasz

    Trade post

    I don't know if this suggestion was posted before.. What if there were trading posts in major cities, where you could come in and trade something you don't need for something harder to find for example? Something like in the movie "the book of eli" when the guy trades cleaning wipes to charge his battery or gloves for water. :)