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Everything posted by simasz

  1. simasz

    Am I the luckiest newbie player?

    For starters if you want some tense fun, head to the airfield above Vybor :) After that you can try to find and fix-up a vehicle or even a chopper :) There's always stuff to do
  2. simasz

    New player with some questions :)

    2. I heard somewhere that people would pickup weapons that were not supposed to be in the game and got banned.. But I think it is a very rare occasion, kind of a glitch I guess :) Unless you pickup a heat-seeking missile launcher, you should be fine :DD If you're not sure, you can always check here: http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html .
  3. simasz

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    I think the best would be the setting with full moon. The first time I tried the game it was that setting. You can see enough to have a sense of direction and most of the time to see the zombies that are chasing, but corners of buildings etc remain dark. Perfect setting to start dropping bricks :D
  4. simasz

    Can you run DayZ with Arma Free?

    That should be fine. :) There should be a tutorial somewhere showing how to use the free arma with OA
  5. simasz

    Can you run DayZ with Arma Free?

    It's not the Arma II demo, its the free version of Arma 2, called Arma 2 free :)
  6. simasz


    Program Files (x86) are found in 64-bit Windows OS. I guess yours is 32-bit, so it's fine :)
  7. The main reason I heard the beta is used is because the direct communication is fixed in the Beta.. However, at least for me, the beta generates weird graphical glitches sometimes... So I just prefer playing the stable one for now :)
  8. simasz

    Zombies in villages lacking supplies?

    Zombies have a chance of spawning basically around every building or structure in the game. However, not all buildings or structures spawn lootable items. This is why some villages have lots of zombies but no loot. I think it makes the game more fun, because after a point you start learning which villages to dodge, etc :)
  9. simasz

    Arma 2 CO ON SALE TODAY! 5/17

    oh god, this is gonna kill the servers completely :D
  10. The different sounds idea sound really awesome :) I wonder if it would be possible to make the zombies sometimes start fighting with each other for a bite when they knock you down, especially the hungriest ones :)
  11. simasz

    My first outing

    Part of the fun is learning all the ropes by yourself :D My first trip was similar, but I spawned in Elektro in the middle of a bright moon night, which was like an intense horror movie and I ended up on top of a hangar-type building shooting zombies and almost crying :DD
  12. simasz

    The only thing I take issue with

    I would actually like the signs in the cities to be true :D First time I saw "autoservis" (repair shop) sign, I thought it would be an abandoned repair shop with at least parts for repairing, maybe even a vehicle, but Nooo, a friendly family of Zeds was waiting for me instead :D
  13. I started encountering zombies that would actually flank me... Its a weird and scary feeling when you turn your head and see a Zed running almost next to you and blocking you from turning :D
  14. Sigh. Try to think of it realistically. In a real-life situation, do you think that every survivor would just run to you with grateful eyes and not question your motives? In the game, you should know this by now, sometimes it is safer to put a bullet in a guys head. Survivors get shot in the face for a can of beans, and you carry around medical supplies in a city advertising that.. If to be more serious... I think the reason that is not working for you is that most people dont need supplies at the moment. And they don't want some survivor tagging along just for the blood transfusion some later point in game.. Why don't you just join a group of people and be a healer for them?
  15. simasz

    New zombie sounds

    That cub sounds like a teenager who got his weiner cought in a zipper :DD But yeah, the sounds are sometimes interesting, most of the time for me the idle zombies sound like people trying to drop a brick :D
  16. The best way to find people you could join would be to do that on the forums. In-game finding friends is almost a death wish, because nobody trusts anybody most of the time :)
  17. I wonder if the weather effects will create such sights as weaker zombies being knocked over or blown away by storm winds :) Would be hilarious (and awesome) :D
  18. simasz

    tent/fire buffs?

    not at the moment :) I guess the tents and campfires will get more advantages when the weather effects are introduced (you having to get warm, etc.)
  19. simasz

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    If the bandit skin is gained "unfortunately", then why not implement a factor of continuity? For example you keep the bandit outfit if you kill a survivor every hour or something like that. Then the "Oops" bandits would get back to survivors. And the bandits who keep killing people, if they try to get a survivor skin to be able to kill quicker, that would enforce them to kill less just for that.
  20. simasz

    Content Deleted.Chernarus

    Install the Arma 2 free, not a demo :) Then it should work fine
  21. Thanks for the extra servers, enjoyed them myself for a few times already :) Good to see people chipping in on the expansion of the servers