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About simasz

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  1. simasz

    Origins Team setup

    Name: --> Simon Age: --> 22 Country: --> UK Languages you speak: --> English Favorite Alcohol: Whiskey, no rocks Gender: --> Male. Dayz experience: --> over a year, basically since it started Fly hely or planes: --> not really Favourite dayz map: --> Chernarus, back when there were no other choices Skype: --> yup Teamspeak: --> Yes. How much dayZ you play? --> Havent played for a few months, but now starting to play on regular basis Are you lazy? --> Nope. Can run from one side of chernarus to the other What soldier are you? --> Sneaky and a mid range fighter. So covering or scouting is my thing ;) (can adapt though)
  2. simasz

    Forest Brothers Recruiting!

    Hey guys, Sorry I haven't been around to play for the last few months, real life shit and uni destroyed every bit of free time. I'm finally finished with that, so I would really like to play with you guys again. If you're up for it, PM me :)
  3. simasz

    Looking for Origins Squad

    We can play together some time if you want :) I'm a bit rusty on DayZ (haven't played in months), but I'm trying to get my "clan" back together :) PM me anytime :)
  4. simasz

    Day Z Videos

    My first video, so still need to fix up the audio for background noise and all :D
  5. simasz

    Forest Brothers Recruiting!

    Hi guys :) sorry about dissapearing for quite a while, uni exams and real life took away all of my time :D If you are up for it, we could kickstart this thing again, I will probably be playing DayZ today, so come on TS, you'll find me there :)
  6. Ye has never been used in English language, it's actually a creation of the movie industry. So no, thee is correct here :)
  7. simasz

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Developing a game is not like baking a pie. You can never have a accurate deadline. Most of the time pre-release testing and last touches can change headlines. It's understandable that rocket and his team don't want to get ahead of themselves.
  8. simasz

    Worth RE-Installing?

    They fixed most of the stuff now. Bugs are rarely occurring at this point. So yeah, I would say it's worth re-installing, especially with all the extra maps you can play :)
  9. simasz

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    What if rocket's just staging a huge surprise? No updates, until one morning you go to the SA website and you see it's released :D BAM, half of the community dies from over excitement :D
  10. simasz

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Come on, give the guy a break. This is turning into a mob of addicts that are waiting for a dose
  11. simasz

    Looking for a group to play with!

    You can try Forest Brothers :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/109685-forest-brothers-recruiting/ We're still a fresh group, but European players would be great, different groups for timezones could be made :)
  12. simasz

    Forest Brothers Recruiting!

    Sorry guys I haven't reply to you recently, been busy. But now I'm back, so I'll send the invitations probably today. Those who already played with me, add me on Steam (same name as here), I'll add you to the group so we can start playing. OH AND PS: REGISTRATION OPEN AGAIN
  13. simasz

    Forest Brothers Recruiting!

    So, first "session" was very fun guys :) Hectic and Unorganized though so far :D Before playing next time we'll try to assign positions etc. The guys who played with me, PM me what you wanna do since we have gear and transportation now and can start doing stuff :)
  14. I came up with mine completely randomly, just after thinking how would a ninja cope with a boner when on the job :D
  15. simasz

    Forest Brothers Recruiting!

    Now that we have enough people for two full squads, I'm closing the registration for now :) Once both squads start functioning, we will be open for applications :)