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Everything posted by =AB=Teofilatto

  1. =AB=Teofilatto


    ..And let me add, If you want to make a game similar to real life, you can't at the origin !!! I don't meet zombies durgin my day, I don't need food and water every 4 minutes, and people don't pass trought doors and floor. so let's start to fix the huge number of bugs of the game, and after that you may think to transform dayz in a simulating real life game. All the anwer from dayz staff are not serious and not professional, in my opinion, becasue we can't talk of real life about a game. All my clan are now seriously thinking to ask for refund,
  2. =AB=Teofilatto


  3. =AB=Teofilatto


    Hi dear dev team. I'm an old player of dayz, starting the first relase. With happyness me and my friends bought the standalone version. I read the answer of a dayz forum team regarding this post and I'm surpised that the answer concern "real life". It's simple becasue in real life there is not the time, but I don't need to drink and to eat every 4 minutes. So the question is: I'ts this a game or real life ? If is the game, the quesition of this post is correct !! if is not a game, but simulate a real life, please take in mind that I don't need to drink and to eat every 4 miuntes. In addition, i'ts quety impossilbe to find food and water so early. It's also true that it is a 10 single unusefull stuffs every a can of food. This is frustating and for sure go to ruin a very original idea like dayz mod. So, I hope that timer to drink and to eat will be prolonged ando also possibility to find food and water will be implemently. Otherwise, Dayz less all the fashion and the real target that the initial mod had. Pleas save this game from very hight number of players left
  4. =AB=Teofilatto

    <Mwk> Italian Clan

    Konver non stiamo , ne vogliamo, reclutare e per fortuna non ci manca gente che chiede ed entra nel team.. era solo per farvi sapere che ci possiamo dare una mano. Non sapevo fosse difficile interpretare l'italiano.. ;) Peace and have fun
  5. =AB=Teofilatto

    <Mwk> Italian Clan

    Siamo un gruppo nutrito di players. Non entriamo in altri team ma se volete possiamo collaborare. Abbiamo TS, sito, forum, e server. Fatemi sapere via PM
  6. You shooted (but not killed) on my mate driving motorcycle, after that you try to reach our camp, and I'm really sorry to shooted you on the face... Sorry mate ;) R.I.P
  7. =AB=Teofilatto

    Map is just a black screen

    You have to find a map, for example inside market. When you born, or re-born, your caracter have nothing, only some bends, painkillers , flashlight and something else. So you haven't any map and if you try to look at map you will see only black space.
  8. We are looking for new mates to insert in our team, also international why not, to create a big basecamp and create also a bandit team to rape others camps and kill everything moving inside server :D Please leave me your contact via PM if you are interested. We have our own server, TS, forum and website.
  9. =AB=Teofilatto

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    DayZ is a MOD not a stand alone game ! I rented a ARMA2 server ;) And BIS have different rules about server hosting. I guess that if I pay a service I have to use that service (this is a first commerce rule where Dayz mod come to be inn). I repeat, that I'm agree with all other rules, also if some of theme have really not sense) but I'm disposal to accept, but Dayz Devs can't says "so guys pay out for server and host our mod, but you are not allowed to play inside your own server because we are beauty and simpaty and want make space for the entire world and you have to wait" , I'm sorry this is not commercial admitted.
  10. =AB=Teofilatto

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I think that Dayz Ha ve to be separed from clan hosting and no clan hosting. Like I wrote above, there is a huge motives because of also us (clan) would like to play. Problem is not that someone kill you, this is a game, or that someone camp, this is also possible in a survival action, but I'm not disposal to pay 41 euros/month for strangers without the possibility to enter inside my server e let who payed play with me. So far, I never kicked players but ?im tired to wait 20 minute to acces my server .(In add I also have to see that another player want to kick me with no reason, and I can't make nothing... this is illogical)
  11. =AB=Teofilatto

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Ok Guys, I read all discussions and I'm agreed with many of them... but, Please realize also taht a clan give money to host a server and prices are not so cheap!!! Is not possibile and not accetable that owner, and his team mates have to wait 20 minutes to enter in their server! Is absolutelly needed to review this rule to provide and grant that who pay the server is granted to play. I can understeand that mod is mod and could have his rules, but people who pay , I guess don't pay to see someone else to play in their payed server. Think also to this please ;)
  12. =AB=Teofilatto

    Clan server 10 slots

    Due an excessive cost in our country, I would ask to you all if there is a possibility to host a dedicated session of 10 slots just to try all working as well. Second step will be to enlarge this server to 40 slots. We are trying this evening to set-up the server but when we try to join, we can only see "Waiting for host". Our version is the last one of dayz and we installed Arma2OA Beta patch. Could someone help us ?