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28 DayZ

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Everything posted by 28 DayZ

  1. 28 DayZ

    My DayZ Experience

    My thoughts on the current game - for those who care. DayZ as an Arma 2 mod was the game that everyone fell in love with, and I feel like Bohemia has forgotten that. Yes, it was running on a "military simulator" engine, which added some fairly "hardcore" features, and that's part of what made it fun. It had its hardcore elements, but it was still a game. DayZ was always supposed to be unforgiving, challenging, and even stressful at times, but I feel like Bohemia have taken that way too far. I believe the game is now "too realistic". Players don't want to sit there loading 1 bullet into a gun at a time, we want to be able to press the "R" key in order to reload if we have a spare mag. We want to be able to find weapons that come with ammo, not having to search everywhere for a specific type of bullet to fit a specific magazine. We want our character to be able to complete basic tasks, such as pump his/her shotgun after each shot, reload a weapon, and even put ammo into a magazine without our manual input. We don't want to have to press and hold hot keys in order to make our character do things they should be doing by themselves. Personally, I don't even want to have to repair my gear whenever I have an encounter with another player. I think you have to remember this is still a game, and although we do appreciate some of the "hardcore" features, you have to remember what made DayZ great to begin with, and I believe we are now so far from it. I don't think Bohemia need to add all of these "modern", overly realistic, overly complicated features. You spend so much time pissing around with equipment, weapons, ammo, and other silly features that you can't really enjoy what DayZ is supposed to be - a game. All Bohemia have to do is take a look at what DayZ was on Arma 2 and replicate that. There are SO many new features in the standalone that don't actually add anything to the game other than over complication, a waste of time, and overall less enjoyment. Just my opinion. Kinda curious to see if anyone feels the same. Peace.
  2. 28 DayZ

    My DayZ Experience

    You're right, but that's not what I'm asking for. DayZ began as an Arma 2 mod, you can't compare Call of Duty and Arma 2, they're vastly different and that's why DayZ stood out and worked so well. However, DayZ no longer resembles the game it was back on Arma 2. It has moved so far away from what it was as a mod, even though that version of the game is where it gained the majority of its players. I understand that games progress and change, but if that causes you to lose nearly half of your player base, then something is wrong.
  3. 28 DayZ

    My DayZ Experience

    The thing is, DayZ has always been for me. I've played it since 2012 and loved the game throughout the years. I've played hundreds of hours across various different versions, patches, maps, and even the Arma 3 version. I can't comment on how it plays on console as I've only played it on PC, however, DayZ has always had an element of realism even when it was a mod... I mean, it ran on a military simulator engine after all. The level of realism it did have was more than enough tho, it was still a game at the end of the day. Now it barely resembles what DayZ was, it feels more like a simulator than a game, in my opinion. My only issue is how popular the game used to be, compared to the position it's in now. At its peak, DayZ mod had double the amount of peak players per day than DayZ standalone has now. That indicates a problem.
  4. 28 DayZ

    Soldier Clothing

    I only stayed for 5-10 mins after looting because there was 2 guys and 1 of them disconnected so I didn't want to stick around incase he was server hopping, though it was long enough for everything else to save, except the Soldier Clothing, which I think was the first item I took, as I'd never seen it before.
  5. 28 DayZ

    Soldier Clothing

    I found my Soldier Clothing on a guy that I killed, I put it in my backpack and later when I relogged onto another server, it was turned into Civilian Clothing. It was long enough to have synced, as I kept everything else that I looted so I think that it is hacked?
  6. Waiting for Spector to ready up? I don't think so. If I was idle in a lobby, I was either AFK, or on here laughing at you guys.
  7. Lmao, who you calling "kid"? This is called being a bandit, you just don't like being on the receiving end, kid. That's right, you keep playing through the morning and I'll come back all nice and refreshed, ready for round 2. :') See you in Cherno, old friend.
  8. So you didn't dupe your LMG and more than likely other things too, since finding out how to do it, no? Of course you're going to deny that on the forum tho. Sorry, "ghosted"? Please don't come at me with silly terms. I'm glad that it won't stop you from playing the game, atleast then I can take down your camp again once you've rebuilt it. :')
  9. "Spector was killed" My work here is done.
  10. Complaining about dupers makes you a hypocrite, "friend". I wasn't with any group, I attacked alone, but I'll take that as a compliment. I also didn't have NVGs. You may have thought you knew exactly where I was, but do you really think I'd be so stupid as to go to that place? I don't think so. Doesn't look like you handled it very well, Steins. Your camp is finished, and it's 6-0 to me.
  11. What's up, guys? Looks like you've abandoned camp. :/
  12. Aww... that's cute. :')
  13. Hehe, why would I be mad? I got a camp full of survivors to kill. :')
  14. Sweet, does that mean you recorded my 6 AS50 kills?
  15. I'm a bandit, just doing my job. :')
  16. Why, thank you. :') Sadly, as long as Steins still stands, the attacks will continue.
  17. Sorry about that. But no night vision. :')
  18. Damn Steins, I'll take that as a compliment. "group"? No, It's just me. So, you wanna talk about duping...
  19. How many kills is that for me now, 6? Still hunting you tho, Steins.
  20. Closed. Found a team :')
  21. 28 DayZ

    Looking for team

    Like I said bud, not really looking for 1 guy to hang around with atm, nor am I starting my own clan :/ currently looking for an already established group/clan, but thanks for the interest. I'll let you know if I find a group to join tho, if you like.
  22. 28 DayZ

    Starting a new clan/group

    One way could be to have the camp in a server that has nametags enabled, and have someone watch over it. Maybe make it a duty that everyone in the clan/group must be prepared to take at some point. Whoever is on watch can see who is in the camp, providing protection from introduers, but also keeping watch on clan members in the area. You could make the camp an off limits area, unless permission is given for you to be there. If they're not supposed to be in the camp at that time, they're more than likely stealing, then it's your choice to shoot or deal with them how you feel necessary. It may not be a viable option 24 hours a day, but the more people you have in the clan, the easier it will get to have somebody on watch for as much time as possible. Just a thought :) Best of luck with your clan/group!