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Everything posted by Failstar

  1. Failstar

    Do you taunt people after you've killed them?

    People do seem like to taunt after death. I'm usually the first one to die when playing with my friends, usually due to extremely stupid or unexpected circumstances. Last 3 Deaths, someone taunted me. 1 - Shot in the back by a glitcher/hacker at NE:AF (Was in the cubby hole outside of jail..He then proceeded to cheat through the wall and get shot by my squad mates after he continued to threaten everyone after calling me some choice names.) 2 - Shot by two guys logging in top floor of firehouse while I'm observing ATC from second floor..They were laughing at my idiocy (Again, they got shot by my squad mates. That is quite satisfying.) 3 - Guy did some ninja stuff and managed to get fourth floor office while I tried to pop him from the roof. That one was obviously my fault, and he just cussed me out for trying to shoot him. I DON'T get it. It's one thing if you're talking trash or being a jerk (Shooting fresh for example). But..I don't really get the arrogant attitude. You're just going to lose to someone else in an hour (Or sooner). Why celebrate pushing off your impending death by being a horrid jerk?
  2. Is surviving fun? I like to think our group just heads out to look for trouble. Typically we don't blast if you're unarmed (Typically)..Don't mess with fresh spawns unless they mess with us first..And run around on the coast shooting people camping fresh spawn spots. The more focus that is placed on survival, the less fun it is going to be for me personally. I kind of like how the survival aspects are now. It's not too intrusive, but it does prevent you from sitting in the same spot for hours unless you run around finding stuff. If I have to worry about every little thing I do (Drinking water from a pond or spigot for example and getting sick) then I'm just going to end up sighing more than enjoying myself. We all come into the game with different expectations, but for me if the Player Interaction aspect is muted or reigned in with more focus on survival, the quality of the game will go down for me.
  3. Have to QQ a bit. Had a bunch of stuff, bunch of good stuff, including an awesome Coyote Backpack, Sniper Rifle within, plenty of supplies and gear. I was all set. Went to go kill/gut a goat and started moving my inventory around. Opened my backpack, moved my grenade from the backpack to my main inventory with the intent to drop it, and without closing my bag, erroniously hit drop. Backpack gone. Not on the ground, not anywhere. Gone. I'm just sad at this point, it's one thing to get shot by a player and lose all of your loot, don't get me wrong. I expect something like that to happen. But it's entirely another to click a wrong button and be sent to frown town for a bug. :(
  4. Failstar

    Backpack Disappeared

    Yeah it's not the first time it's happened to me either, so you'd think I'd learn my lesson. I'm just not used to being able to one button your inventory away. I mean it's not like I blame anyone, the mod is still in Alpha, it's free, and I should expect to lose all of my stuff..But man does it sting right now!
  5. Failstar

    Couple of Q's!

    Hey guys. I'm a new player and I have a couple of quick questions for vets..or new players who are more experienced than I. My buddy and I picked up the game pretty quick..We're loaded out pretty well..Hes died and gotten lucky..I'm pretty conservative but my risks have been rewarding. But I have a few questions 1) Randomly last night I put a waypoint on my map. I have no clue how...Help? If the server allows it, how do I throw one on? (And take it off if it's a different button) 2) In the same vein as these types of servers, sometimes I see MAN on the map, which is a little yellow circle. Is this a glitch? 3) Does filling up from a water pump make any noise? 4) Does the sight/sound make a difference for players? I assume sight does not, but sound, are there ranges? 5) With Sight/Sound with zombies, does 0 sight pretty much mean zombies have to walk on top of you? Thanks!
  6. Gotcha. Like the above poster said, and I've been surfing a bit of the forums too and seen it a few places, seems like tents ARE a bit bugged currently. :(
  7. "I'd like to create a central point where snipers can camp and pick off new and veteran players coming to trade as they're leaving." or "Meet up in, leave with, and get murdered by someone faking friendly." I like the idea, but see what it boils down to?
  8. Failstar

    Get rid of this mindset

    Yeah no clue where that came from, I think Arma 2 looks quite awesome. I mean have you seen this video!?
  9. Failstar


    It's not a simulation though. I mean honestly in a simulation once everything is looted..it's looted. No going back and looking for more food, medical supplies, or ammo. *Shrugs* You gotta view some things as game conventions and some things as simulations. I DO agree with the drinking out of the lake though, also alongside of that when it's raining I feel like if you have a canteen you should be able to set it down and wait like 5-10 minutes and it'll be filled...Just small things that'd make logical sense. Impossible to know if they're possible but just musings.
  10. I was under the impression that other players could loot your tents. Which is what I suspect is happening.
  11. Personally, I have loads of fun with this game. But the "community" is like every other "community" in any online game. 50% New/JustTryingItOut/RandomLogon/Trolls, 40% Jerks/Whiners/Complainers/Upset/"Quitters" 5% Veteran/Elite/Serious Business 5% Actual nice, helpful people. -Statistics provided by the completely made up statistics corp, StatCorp. "StatCorp, you too can make the statistics fit the situation"- So honestly, can a community really be ruined when this is the default state? As a game wears on the percentages change, especially late in a games life. And of course, there is crossover. Point is, nothing Yogscast does, or really anyone else, does is going to ruin the community. If someone is interested, they're gonna plop down the cash and try it out. All this does is get the word out about the game...But people are going to act how they act based on who they are (or who they want to be), and not because someone plopped a video on the internet. EDIT: So what I'm saying here is that people who play online games are pretty much jerks. I know I am. EDIT 2: Plop. Plop plop plop plop plop. Okay I think I got it out of my system.
  12. Failstar

    Best place to look for tents?

    I found literally 3 in multi-tiered apartment buildings. Try there! :)
  13. Failstar

    Inventory space for tent

    3 Slots!
  14. Failstar

    PVP is Out of Control.

    No. You didn't. Food replenishes blood as well, having some cooked meat on you isn't a terrible idea, and you could have tried to hunt and cook some meat from the hunt as well. Or of course, eat a ton of canned food. There ARE other ways to get blood back, you just picked the one that was the quickest and subsequently the most dangerous.
  15. Failstar

    PVP is Out of Control.

    Absolutely not. This is crazy, PvP is absolutely the only thing that makes this game tense and interesting once you've got equipment and supplies (which is 50% of the "fun") If zombies are "getting you" after you're loaded out, I'm not sure whats going on. I barely get touched now by a zombie. The sheer terror and excitement come from the idea that you can get taken out by another player at any moment. If you refuse to shoot first, you're asking to be shot first. It's a zombie apocalypse not a zombie BBQ.
  16. Failstar

    Bad Luck Night Looting

    My friend I play with and I split up at the northern airfield when someone hopped into our server as he was looting the barracks (After clearing zombies) All of the sudden he goes "PLAYER PLAYER PLAYER" *Silence* ".....Okay I got him" The guy had spawned in right next to him, shot him once, and luckily with the reaction time of a cheetah my friend shot him in the head. However, of course, earlier in the week he wasn't so lucky. I don't mind getting taken out by someone zeroed in on a hot position, I almost got sniped out looting some hangars, but the server hopping stuff is sort of keeping me away from these hot zone areas not for fear of a ready and prepared player, but for fear of some jerk server hopping for good loot.
  17. Failstar

    Low on Blood ! Not bleeding though?

    As always, blood bags are found in hospitals. I'd say your best bet is to either recruit a friend to give it to your or like someone said, find a kind soul. I would search the shore if you're desperate, respawning players are typically going to be more kind simply because you could shoot them O.o;;