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Everything posted by [sot]sqwurl

  1. [sot]sqwurl

    Your most insane lucky streak

    Was at NE AF with friends. 3-4 of us were doing overwatch while one went inside the ATC and hangers to see what loot there was. *POW* one of our guys watching the south gets sniped and dies. the sniper comes up and tries to loot. one of our guys goes up and shoots the sniper with his mp5sd. while he is looting he gets shot by a guy with a winchester. i make it to the top of the hill and drop the guy with the winnie. a few mins later one of the guys in the group we were fighting tries to run across the AF to me. he gets dropped by our sniper. about 30 secs later our sniper says he feels naked to the E so i get up and turn around a see a guy moving to our position. no time to aim cause hes got the drop on me so i fire about half a mag from the hip and kill him. one of my luckiest days. there are others where i was super lucky with loot but i dont count that. only in firefights.
  2. [sot]sqwurl

    Do you ever feel guilty for shooting on site?

    nope. if i have the advantage i dont even hesitate. i only communicate if im backed in a corner. case in point. i was in berezino east store and only had a 1911 as a weapon. i heard someone sneakin around the back of the store. i got into the front of the store and stayed in the corner to where i could see him come around the corner of the counter. he wasn't there to kill me because he coulda just shot from the front of the store and got me. so i said in direct comms 'i shoot on sight. fuck off or die.' no response. so when he came crouching around the counter i emptied a clip into his ghillie face.
  3. [sot]sqwurl

    Items Falling Out of Main Inventory

    you gots holes in yer pockets
  4. or not being able to logout/login in buildings... would also stop people from wiring/tank trapping doors so they can server hop and loot the same buildings over and over.
  5. [sot]sqwurl

    Any ETA on fixing lag?

    yup it was fine last night, now today its so horrible my friends and i cant even play. such a buzzkill.
  6. so yeah read title. was with my friend on NY 6 when the server crashed. joined virginia 20 and was killed while loading. i asked my friend (he was in already) if he heard shots and he said no. so i respawn and get stuck in the loading area off the map and see 2 bandits with ak's shooting people trying to load. one was Kayne btw.
  7. well let me be more clear. im assuming that when you aren't a fresh character, you get put into this little area off the map (still accessible if you run off the map). it's not the debug forest, it's an open field. sometimes you get bugged and spawn there anyways when you are a fresh character. you spawn with nothing and the rumor is you run east to get out, etc. well i guess someone can just run off the map to that area and just sit there and shoot people loading. this is not on the beach. this is before your character gets placed on the playable map. one of the times i respawned i was placed there and got bugged in the situation i described earlier. i turned around and saw several people standing there, which i'm assuming were loading in, and 2 bandits with ak's shooting everyone in front of them. and for those with high and mighty attitudes about me dying from players. yes, i know it happens. yes, i have been killed only by players. yes, that is part of the game and it's fine, it's one of the parts i love about it. but being killed in a spot before you are even placed on the playable map by trololol 12 year olds needs to be fixed. Clearly a delusional way of warping the intent of what we are saying' date=' well at least what I am saying; I can't speak for others. It's an alpha which is one of the earliest stages in development there is, people should be thankful that the game actually functions let alone it being a public and open alpha. If anything by sheer functionality alone I would consider this game a beta just from how well it runs and works the majority of the time. Stupid things like what the OP is experiencing are going to happen and the problems are widely known by the community and the developers. There is nothing we can do for him and this same topic has arose countless times. If something like this happens just report the bug and move on. Redundancy is to be expected but people need to start using common sense and ask themselves things such as "If I make a topic on this will it serve any point?" or "Will people even be able to help me?". If it doesn't serve any point and you know it has already been reported then don't post, if the situation has already taken place and you know no one can help you then don't post. I understand there are a lot of people new to this entire process but for a lot of things common sense should be kicking in and it's apparently not. Oh yes, clearly I am a fan of Call of Duty... ok, so how exactly did your posts help and what point did they serve?
  8. [sot]sqwurl

    Is temperature bugged?

    yeah mines pegged at 100 and wont go down. did overwatch for a friend and was sitting still in the shade for about 15 minutes, temp was still at 100.
  9. [sot]sqwurl

    Stuck on awaiting fro response

    same here :/
  10. [sot]sqwurl

    Improving the respawn system

    respawn = parachuting in to random part of the map
  11. [sot]sqwurl

    Fixing Boats

  12. [sot]sqwurl

    Looting zombies?

    1. zombies will sometimes have food or drink or something useful depending on the zombie (military/civilian). sometimes they have empty cans. 2. when there are two arrows over/under a gun icon when you are near a zombie, pointing at him, like other loot, hes got something on him for sure. i have never seen more than one item on a zombie, so i ignore the usual gun with mags under it icon. 3. civilians will have food/drink, military will have smoke grenades and the like.
  13. [sot]sqwurl

    Looting zombies?

  14. you parachute in at a random spot on the map. problem solved.
  15. [sot]sqwurl

    "Waiting for server response"

    people are dropping from servers in droves because they cant get past the waiting for server response. some waited up to 30mins before leaving. Trying to get my friend in to this game and I got d/c before we met up. he made it to the town where we were gonna meet up and couldnt get past the waiting for server response. *sadpanda*