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About Nem3sis

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  1. I like this idea. I'd lean toward option 2 imo. What about when the player doesn't die from zombies? Death from Pvp or otherwise this could leave the corpse far away from any z's. perhaps have the corpse attract z's but how long could this process take if it in the middle of no where.
  2. Nem3sis

    More vehicle parts

    It's already confirmed that they are revamping vehicles. Rocket wants to be able to swap things like a door from one vehicle to another. Not sure what else he has in mind but it is in the works.
  3. Nem3sis

    Let us boil seawater to make salt.

    Yea this makes sense. Thats how it used to be before modern technology...
  4. Nem3sis

    Limit the fuel!

    I'm inclined to agree. Of course I'm of the opinion we make cars run on gasifiers and stuff...
  5. Nem3sis

    Regional (Re)Spawn; SA + Mod

    Surprised this hasn't been touched... Does anyone even see this as an issue?
  6. Nem3sis

    Hot air balloons! (New transport)

    All you had to say was hot air balloon and you had my beans....
  7. Nem3sis

    Zed "Reptile" Vision?

    I agree. I think it comes down to defining what senses, and their scope, zombies actually have and working from there. Sight. as long as you are still, not in their direct line of sight, or a great deal away, fine. Hearing. as long as you dont alert them within range of noise, fine. Smell? can go both ways really. if you have B.O. can you still sneak up on them? and could you cover yourself in zombie guts to disguise yourself?(the walking dead anyone?)
  8. Nem3sis

    [SA] Usable Indoor Fireplaces

    I agree. This should be added!
  9. Nem3sis

    2 new ideas

    1) is more of a bug needing to be fixed. 2) I just posted something very similar to this last night. See viral infection and player corpse reanimate on first page
  10. Nem3sis

    New melee suggestion with guns

    What about a kick to knock back?
  11. Exactly! Its a way of removing bodies without them randomly disappearing. Rocket is all about immersion, here ya go...
  12. Nem3sis

    Regional (Re)Spawn; SA + Mod

    If you watch this interview, there are many good questions raised. Approx. the 13:30 mark the question is, paraphrased, what to do when you want to join friends thru steam and still not break the disorientation at the start of your spawn. Any other suggestions? Like/ dislike mine?
  13. Nem3sis

    Wild food and insects

    Survival 101, scavenging for food in the wild is a must. Knowing which foods are poisonious and which are not could mean life or death. Eating berries, or mushrooms, and in some cases even eating Grub worms are necessary for survival. Also, you can come across poisonious plants like poison ivy/oak (not sure if they have this in russia or not; dumb american here). And not to mention dangerous insects, like bees, can be encountered. **Adding both edible and poisonous plants would add more to the survival immersion. I wouldnt want any labels to give away whether or not a collected berry or shroom is poisonious. It would be up to the player to learn and recognize which is the right one. **Searching under rocks and other items on ground could be an opportunity to find grub worms. **Bee hives with honey can be nice. lob a smoke grenade to clear out the bees and have yourself a snack. Could be stung by bees if you foolishly walk near a hive. Too many stings and your done for. **Finding wild fruits and vegitable would be nice. (I did see under another topic, but reiterating). **Poison ivy/oak (among other plant) should be avoided. Not sure of how this would effect game play. Afterall, we cant feel anything. Any suggestions? **Herbs... alternative to medication, but less potent. (another reiteration) -- Aloe vera for burns???
  14. idea 1)Since the plot behind the zombies(or infected) is a virus, have a very low chance of contrating the virus to turn zombie. After getting the virus, the player would have only a short time left to live before death. If you want to add a 'cure' to this(not a fan), it must be administered quickly. idea 2)After player dies, by whatever means, the corpse reanimates as zombie after X minutes. corpse can then be killed and looted. ps: Couldnt find topic via search, sry if duplicate.
  15. One of the big issues of playing DayZ, IMO, is having a few friends to play with and spawning clear across the map from each other. We end up spending the entire night finding each other just for one of us(or both) to die and become separated again. Suggestion: Regional Spawning. The map would be divided up to regions and upon player death would respawn in a random location within their current region. The size of the regions would be up to the devs. No visual indicator on map of what the regions are. For SA, being able to join friends thru steam or being in a squad of your buddies and dieing, this would be a much faster way of grouping back up without having any need of safe zones or the issue of spawn killing.