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About porkyham

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. porkyham

    The hypocrisy regarding hackers

    Of course, because 'hacking' and teleporting every player on the server to a field, then dropping them to their deaths is totally the same as stumbling across a gun which may be hacked... zzzz
  2. But what if animals also carried the infection/became infected during the 'event'? i guess we will never know as the lore is minimal at best, most likely until the standalone. But it would be fun to see the changes implemented, if they did make the changes they could add a little story to it also to make it more believable, such as alot of/most of the animals became infected, and eating them would increase your chances of infection of becoming sick etc. The more changes they make while its an alpha, the better in my opinion, as long as they are well thought out and dont unbalance the game too much, but in some cases you wont know this till you try :)
  3. Yea, its the only viable way when playing solo to recoup blood loss, however is it all bad if its removed? maybe people would be more cautious about situations where they may lose blood, or maybe they could make beans more rare but have them recover more blood than other canned food. Just seems abit silly when carrying around 12 pieces of cooked meat in your backpack for days on end, diarrhea here i come! lol
  4. Its rather comical to think of a bus loaded with baked beans lol, however it seems more realistic than carrying arround raw/cooked meat without refridgeration. In a zombie apocalypse, if animals were infected too, canned and long-life food would be the only other viable alternative. It would also make trips more fun in that you would have to plan your route, this is already in place somewhat due to the placement of adequate water supplies, and having to follow these in some cases to refil when needed.
  5. In what way? food items spawn mostly anywhere, so there would be no specific place to camp to kill people looking for food, and would make people who do camp elektro/cherno etc have to come down into close quarters situations to restock. Would be good to see never the less, seeing as its an alpha, it would be cool to gague how the community reacts and responds to the change.
  6. I think this would be an interesting change, make up some backstory that all the animals/livestock became infected and died, thus making them inedible. It would make players from all 'levels' have to venture into towns to retrieve supplies on a regular basis, which would stop alot of the griefing/camping. Would be a nice change to see :) your opinions?
  7. porkyham

    Take out .50 cals

    I agree to a downgrade on weaponry/equipment too, it does detract from the realism somewhat, i think camo should be in, but take guilles out, this is all opinion of course, however its in an alpha, so i think if your going to try it, do it now before the standalone. Ive had the most fun running around with a cz or enfield, an alice pack n civ or camo clothes, living off the land etc. But when you start getting high end military equipment it just ruins the immersion for me. Do russian/eastern europeans even use barretts? what is their equivalent? even the enfield probably doesnt belong in eastern europe but im not sure, replace them with ussr equivalents, and make them more rare, and increase farm/residential weapons. In saying that though, it is designed with the arma2 engine hence the use of american guns etc, hopefully though, they look into this, and at least remove some of the high end stuff, thermal scopes and night vision scopes being a bit over kill imo.
  8. porkyham

    Dayz on ArmA3?

    The state the game is currently in is obviously not perfect and thus is an alpha. The game was much more fun to play before everyone decided to shoot on site, and people just started camping cherno/elektro for fun. There was a unease when meeting someone, they might shoot you, BUT they might talk to you and end up doing stuff together. Now there is none of this, its simply who ever sees who first gets shot in the back etc, or people just camp with military grade equip in cherno/elektro and snipe people running around with a flashlight and bandages. Its all opinion of course, but the game was infinetly more enjoyable before everyone decided to just start shooting each other on site, no questions asked, and as such, i think there can be many improvements in this area, hence its an alpha. Why not try stuff? thats what the alpha is for
  9. I started just after they removed the makarov on spawn lol, although i think the newer system is great as it is, its also not too hard to find a shotty or enfield within the first 10-15 minutes. Thats what i did before, i logged into a populated server and just ran around devils castle for a while, didnt get into a firefight :( so then just ran off into a random forest n got sniped lol.
  10. so true, i have had much more fun with an enfield and a few cans of beans than a nvfal and enough steak and water to last a life time lol. I mean im sure many people enjoy getting this high end equipment, but for me it seems out of place in a zombie survival game, would be much more realistic if weapons reflected what would generally be around, rifles and shotguns in farms etc, maybe some pistols in town. It would also create a much 'closer' game whilst also maintaining a large maps size.
  11. have not had that yet thankfully, though it sounds horrible, although i have to expect to happen eventually with the amount of hackers out there.
  12. Which is just how rocket intended it to be :) player created and player orientated gameplay, which is awesome as it means everyone does something different, and reacts differently rather than having to follow a set style of gameplay/style.
  13. lol, pretty sure the guy who got me would have gained a few steaks and a water bottle, sounded like a 50cal, so much better than my akm lol
  14. lol, i guarantee at least 50% of people have rage-uninstalled this game then reinstalled it a day later... its like crack!
  15. They need to implement safe zones where weapons must be checked in before entry, could be a camp of sorts, or mini town/city where people can chat/trade and share stories of their survival, there could be a bar where you can purchase beans or vodka or something lol.