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About Kingbeast908

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  1. LOL just give up petej you admitted to using esp and i have killed Jvo a couple times and seen him get killed and he has not banned anyone! Just don't hack and you won't have this deal!
  2. My admin needs help fixing this he has been at it for a while!
  3. This server is very good! Has a great spawn time, good ping, good vehicle spawns and more being added along with cars and tents save properly, an awesome admin, and all in all a great server!
  4. This sever loads quickly, good ping, a great admin, lots of vehicles (more being add constantly and they save properly), and friendly people! If your looking for a good Lingor server this is it! After i personally searched for a good Lingor server this is the best possible server i could find! Lastly it is an awesome new server and is defiantly under rated with the amount of people playing on it! Go play on it!
  5. Kingbeast908

    Loner looking for a buddy!

    I will hook up with you if you want, sounds like fun! Location- United States Age- 16 (Sorry about my age, nothing i can do about it) Time Played- 4 Weeks Add me on steam or Skype Steam- Kingbeast908 Skype- Kingbeast908
  6. Just looking for people to hook up with! I am younger but usually pretty quiet just looking to have some fun. Requirements Location- United States (Can make exceptions) Age- 16+ (Can make exceptions) Time Played- Any amount of experience is accepted Add me on steam or Skype Steam- Kingbeast908 Skype- Kingbeast908
  7. ill play with you, ill add you on steam now.
  8. Kingbeast908

    Need a buddy

    i play most nights and day live on the east coast add me on steam. I have been playing for a couple weeks. Steam name-Kingbeast908
  9. Kingbeast908

    Looking for friends to play with!

    Ill join a group my steam name is kingbeast908 add me currently at NW airfield
  10. Kingbeast908

    Starting small group

    If you would like to be in a small group i am looking to join one or either start one! Please add me on steam and contact me via steam! My steam account is- Kingbeast908 Age- Any age (i am 16 for a heads up) Location- US Easter Coast
  11. Kingbeast908

    Let's team up!

    hey if your looking for another person to join i will! I live in US and have an Eastern time zone
  12. Kingbeast908

    Looking for US group to play with!

    Thanks ill check it out!
  13. Just looking for some people to play with! Info Age-16+ Time zone-US eastern time zone