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About Holykittens

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Holykittens

    Barely Any Vehicles? (Fallujah)

    Join the severs that mention haveing more vehicles (most sa 80) I went to AF found 2 C47s like 3 to 4 U H1s and a pair of mini chopers along with a hunvee.
  2. Lighting can hit tall buildings many times a year if they have lightning rods on them. On topic: contact BE again on the issue and see if they will unban it also mention that they baned/unbaned you before.
  3. Holykittens

    The radio

    I have had the radio several times and never heard a peep from it. Then again I didn't go to green mountan for reasons we all know.
  4. Holykittens

    TROLLLOLLO.. how bad do you have to suk !!!

    I don't think the hacker HAD to spawn in a tank rather he wanted to for "the luls" also can you people stop makeing threads crying about hackers DayZ general has more tears then the EvE forums.
  5. If you only have an ak and don't have any friends arround concider respawning AKs are fairly common only thing you might have trouble geting is matches.
  6. Holykittens

    WTF - No PVP Servers?

    Dear severly butthurt poster, Shut the fuck up. He never said he wanted every one to play CoD on a bigger map he was stateing that severs with no pvp seem kinda pointless and lack a big element in dayz. Love, Holy
  7. Holykittens

    M24 Night Vision scope

    I'm pretty sure the M14 is a battle rifle not a sniper it dosnt zero and the DMR is the only M14 with a scope and that's not even a sniper its a marksman rifle
  8. Some one is a big manly man. Did you spend all day on a hill in electro snipeing only bandits for "the good of all those wonderfull friendly survivors"
  9. So you shot your friends and now you think your a hero?
  10. Holykittens

    Worst addition to the game

    You do realise there's a REALLY REALLY easy fix for this right? Spawn in relog ??? You have your normal ammount of humanity.
  11. They should lower the spawn rate of AS50s and L85 TWS' and they would be harder to come by and so its not just FALs spawning add more of the L85 varreants (just not the silly ones with the m203) and some other british guns.
  12. Holykittens

    M1911 or G17?

    Id take the G17 I used to use the 1911 but after the nerf its useless the sights suck and it takes 3-4 body shots to kill a zombie.
  13. OP you seem a bit mad bro. Also I'm quite sure he just googles "fwee dayz haxz" clicks the first link.
  14. Holykittens

    Why is the M14 so overlooked?

    The m14 is pretty cool but I like the FAL more
  15. Holykittens

    Why punish bandits?

    I don't see what the big fus over bandit skins is I'm a bandit and I don't mind never being able to get rid of my -60k humanity. I find the bandit skin much more stylin and you have the advantage of not seeing your back pack.