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Everything posted by Wallberot

  1. I'm guessing you've never tested a game in beta. This one happens to be in alpha. In your case, I'd wait until it is officially released.
  2. Yeah, pretty common right now. I get kicked by admins frequently on low-pop servers, so just basically avoid them now.. There are so many locked servers and private servers now; I think it's a waste of time to even attempt to battle it. /shrug
  3. Wallberot

    Do not go to DE 364!!!

    Hackers like to nuke servers.
  4. I need a few servers where I can just got cook some meat out in a meadow somehwhere.... This game needs guitars.
  5. Couldn't log in much since the patch. But, tonight I haven't had a problem. I like that the zeds are tougher(aggro range/etc). It's gotten harder. I like it. Other than that, I haven't noticed much.
  6. Wallberot

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    I agree to and extent. Sniper rifles do ruin fps games. But, in a game like this, they can still allow them to exsist; just make them extremely rare. Emphasis on extremely.
  7. Wallberot

    "Waiting for Character to create" - Read this!

    Same problem I am having. I am able to get on if i just spam different servers, over and over. I eventually get lucky and get in.
  8. Wallberot

    who wants the spawn weapon back

    No. There isn't much to do in this game as is. Which will change only being in Alpha, of coarse. For now, finding your first weapon is a lot of fun.
  9. First off. I love this game. I haven't had this much fun in a multi player game for some time. I am really hoping the developers stand their ground and don't give in and go the "carebear" route. Awesome job, so far. I just started, and just had a few quick questions. Or if someone could link me to a thread that is similar, that would be great. As far as tents go. How long do they last once they are put in place? How do you target another person to use the medical drops? I read "pan away with mouse, then hold down middle mouse button, then pan over the player, and a list will come up." I've yet to get this to work. My second day playing(yesterday), I got lost and was just running through the woods for what seemed like forever. I came across what looked like a camp which had multiple vehicles. Mostly military style vehicles,a bus, and a few regular vehicles,helicopter. Also, what seemed like dozens of tents LOADED with various gear,items,etc. Are these giant player bases? Lol, I tried to relocate this camp, but to no avail. Thanks in advance! Love the game!