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Everything posted by Wallberot

  1. Wallberot

    US 1416 Hosted by Bruce Willis

    Thread is resolved. I have no proof of the admin kicking me with malicious intent and apologize for any negativity I may have caused.
  2. Wallberot

    US 1416 Hosted by Bruce Willis

    Just kicked. "Player has been kicked". As soon as I went into the waiting room. Sometimes I was able to play for awhile. Admin sent me an email saying he'd open up the server long enough for me to grab my tents. I think my side just wasn't updated or something. I've already acquired a few new tents and set up on a different server. It's all good. and this topic can fall to wasteland.
  3. Had one follow me around on a night server last night. Kept going into my backpack, taking sodas, and popping them open. Alt4'd after the 4th or 5th time and changed my name. Somewhat comical, but it gets old. It was nice for about a week after the wave of bans. But, they are back. Oh well...
  4. Wallberot

    Player Camps

    Ran into a rather large one at 063 / 075. On the US OU812 server.
  5. Wallberot

    Heli update has revived DayZ

    Now we just need some camo for our hidden vehicles and tents. I was watching a stream earlier today, and the group was basically just raiding camps in their heli. The camps stood out like a sore thumb. I need to get myself a choppa.
  6. Wallberot

    Why you shouldn't buy a SERVER

    I read the rules when I rented the server. So I can't complain, really. I can understand people wanting to make their own rules and such, only allow their friends to come in and pve for loot. I would have no problem with this, as long as that server is disconnected from the hive. When that server connects back to the hive, you need to follow that ruleset again. And, those characters must be saved to that particular server(or a seperate private hive or something.) So folks can't go easy mode collecting gear, then jump back into the public hive. I can understand some of your frusterations. If I shared your opinion, I'd shut my server down, as well. And just enjoy playing on others.
  7. Wallberot

    Why you shouldn't buy a SERVER

    You need to change "you" to "I", in your title.
  8. Wallberot

    Not showing on dayz launcher

    I remember reading last night that there is something wrong with GameSpy, presently. It is only showing 500 servers. And not the 2600ish it was, prior to the new patch. I havent seen anything official. But, it sounds like GameSpy is borked.
  9. Wallberot

    Weapons Nerf - Rocket responds

  10. Wallberot

    Duck off who claims to be saints here.

    Lol! Your type have made the last few weeks in DayZ miserable for me. So, honestly I hope you never step foot in this mod, again. But, being a nice guy, I'd reccomend this site to look for answers to your question:http://www.googleitbitch.com/?gq=
  11. Wallberot

    Fix disappearing corpses!!!

    Yeah. That's messed up Symptom.
  12. Wallberot

    Loot Respawn

    I've heard the higher the population, the better the loot. Not sure if true, though. I always play on high-pop servers.
  13. What if you're turned into an AI controlled chicken for 60 seconds that just walks around in circles and *clucks*.
  14. Wallberot

    Zombie spotting distance gone mad?

    You may have stumbled upon:
  15. I heard there were zombies there. I don't believe in zombies, personally. And the person that told me this is a paint huffer.
  16. I'd recommend getting Dayz Commander, first. It's much better. You can update your AO, and DayZ using it, as well. But, yeah.. It sounds like either you or your server aren't up-to-date.
  17. Still loving it. Hackers seem to have been slown down(or the noob ones), I haven't seen one since the patch. I'm glad they nerfed guns, and made zeds a bit tougher. This game(mod) is a breath of fresh air, and big props to the dev team. One thing i'm noticing, though. Once you learn that alll you need to do is stay at a sprint, and run from building to building to collect your stuff, It begins to get a bit stale(or easy). Gather up zombies, run them into a building(to slow them down), get loot. Rinse, repeat. I'm not sure what can be done about this? Maybe a penalty to stamina for staying at full sprint which makes you slow down. Dog zombies that can catch you and knock you down. Shrug. Do something to battle the people who are manipulating their files to remove grass/trees, in order to locate tents/camps, etc.(Maybe this has been fixed, not sure). I've noticed an increase in screen tearing or artifacts with this new patch. All in all, still a great Mod. I like the direction Rocket and team are going, increasing the difficulty of the game with each patch. The harder the better. The game has a long way to go, but that's not a bad thing.
  18. The harder the better. To do everything. I like the direction Rocket is going. Tougher Zeds. Dumb down weapons. All of it.
  19. Wallberot

    pve server kicking all non clan members

    Good work. Hopefully these pve farmers get got. They act like they are doing everyone a favor by hosting a server they only allow their clan/friends to play on. I don't think DayZ is hurting for servers, presently. Servers like this are a cancer within the hive and should be removed ASAP.
  20. Ha! Nice catch. Cool video, too. It gives me a warm feeling when these scumbags get got. Beans to you sir.
  21. I'd have no problem with cheaters locking their servers, as long as that character they build(while the server is locked), cannot venture beyond their server. It creates advantages. Over time, people will learn to avoid these particular servers.
  22. I've just run into this problem with US380 . I made the mistake of setting up a few tents here, only to see the server constantly locked with only a few people allowed on. Or everyone kicked, and the server being locked. I'll need to creep in and grab my tents and relocate to another server when I can. I don't want to play on another yet, in fear of dying and not being able to grab my tents. So annoying.
  23. Not really.. I don't hate any of you. So... I finally find myself a camping tent in the apartments in Chern. I set off to find a good spot to throw down my newly aquired tent, locate a spot I believe to be "pretty" safe. This took me like 2 hours, because I am still in the process of figuring out the map and what not. alt tab out, in, etc etc looking at the DayZDB map. Ah ha! This place is perfect.... I proceed to lay down my new tent after a few minutes of crawling around to find the sweet spot. I put a few things in like a can of beans, a few clips, what not.... I didn't have much. I save the tent. The next hour I am just "sorta" standing around admiring my new tent and talking to a friend when I fellow in a gulle suit logs in right on top of me.. I kill him, and am unable to loot some of his gear and within seconds his body disappears.. At this point I realize a hacker has found my location, and am dead a few minutes later. I took it well, and shrugged it off. We are in Alpha, after all. Gosh dang some of you. Gosh dang you.
  24. Wallberot

    "I hate You Guys" (Cartman voice)

    Thanks, Scerum. I wish I had more to add. But, that was it. The voice was entertaining, and have no way of adding that. Just basically me swearing and my friend laughing.