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Everything posted by Wallberot

  1. Wallberot

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Yeah! All those legit players. lol
  2. Wallberot

    To the Noob on US 785 last night i helped out.....

    Good on you sir. I play as a medic from time to time. Bag full of med supplies. Announce in direct when I see people. I die 75% of the time. But, not always. It's a change of pace. I like to mix it up.
  3. Wallberot

    stuck in no mans land,

    That isn't possible. You are leaving servers and coming back in on that same character which transfers over within the hive. If your food and water are blinking, your misery may be over soon anyway. My advise would be to check that out of game map(you can alt tab out during play), until you learn the map. I went through this, mate. Hang in there.
  4. It sucks. But, like the above poster said, What's to stop me from just pulling "zombie suicide". Which is what we are currently doing. Who wants to spawn in Kamenka. Unless, you plan on just running the deer stand route towards NWAF. To each their own. There are times where friends and I don;t have much time to play together. We are naturally going to resort to that quickest way possible to meet up.
  5. Wallberot

    stuck in no mans land,

    It sounds like you're spawning in Kamenka and heading west. Then you are getting lost. I've been down that long road. Log out, then log in and check where you are(the bold type on the bottom right). Look to the skies, cross your fingers and go. Or you can crawl around on tree logs or rocks which will kill you. If you don't already have it, here is an out of game map. http://dayzdb.com/map#4.022.126
  6. Wallberot

    Tent's contents going poof.

    That's pretty much what we use them for if we need to load up quick for a large clan battle or such.
  7. Wallberot

    An adventure of epic proportions

    Good stuff. Btw. The bus is "lootable". You have to get in the driver seat. Then switch to the back of the bus, and an option should come up. I believe that is the order. If not, maybe someone can correct me. It has been awhile.
  8. Oh, how I love good news. Seeing this on our server, as well..
  9. Wallberot

    Tent's contents going poof.

    Do you keep tents inside your tents? When ever I come across camps with unused tents, I generally take the tents and set up new camps on other servers, and begin moving everything over. It's odd that everything was missing, though. I have had a few go empty. I try and save like 6-7 times, and then wait 15 mins before logging.
  10. It's a few months old. But, still worth the read. Thanks.
  11. Wallberot

    Got a global ban for playing on a server.

    It sounds like you may have run into Jesus.
  12. Wallberot

    DayZ Police Force

    "HAX0rZ1337! Stop spawning those SUV's! NOW!"
  13. Wallberot

    Survivalist tactics or just being a c**t?

    I'm the guy who eats all the food in the market, as well. But, I'm sitting at around 10-11k blood so hey...... I'm also that guy that takes all the rifle ammo. You know: "Damn, AKM but no mags." That was me...
  14. I've only found one inside the apartments. It did not survive a server transfer. OH well... I was just going to give it to a sniper friend of mine who prefers the cowards approach to battle. Would love to find the camo outfit, though.
  15. Wallberot

    Killed at my own camp site

    Yeah, we tried the whole "big" camp thing. It was fun, but then just became too nerve racking. We have them scattered all over multiple servers(singles, a few doubles), and depending on what server we may be visiting, bring up that particular map. Most of them get emptied out which is fine. But, many of them actually have stuff that others have stuffed in there, who must be using them, as well. Never know what will be in them. Cool stuff.
  16. Wallberot

    Killed at my own camp site

    I set tents up all over the place whenever I find them. They're cool to stumble across. I have them all marked down in an out of game map, and just throw whatever extra crap I have on me in them. But, yeah, I've had bad luck setting up larger camps. They just get found to quickly these days.
  17. Is anyone aware of a donation site for Rocket and his team? It's a shame to hear the company gives him nothing for what he has accomplished here.
  18. Wallberot

    Anti-Cheat Solution

    After starting our own, we've began siding with the admins more. I was just on a lucky streak for awhile, with hackers not effecting us on the servers we played. the last few weeks have been a shame. We've held strong to the rules, but its very tempting to not just lock it after getting bombed a few times. Part of me wants to just close it down until this is hashed out. The other part feels obligated to leave it open for others who call it their home. It'll be interesting to see what the team comes up with.
  19. Wallberot

    ALT F4 Survey

    Unfortunately, until wannabe hackers(scripters) are thwarted(impossible to get the real ones), there should be no penalty. If a timer were implemented, I'd understand why and deal with it, though.
  20. Wallberot

    who here wants a tent!

    One MILLION dollars.
  21. Wallberot

    Good place for a stash `?

    With choppers, there isn't really a safe place. Once they introduce some sort of camouflage you can throw over your tents and vehicles, it won't be so bad. And lets not even go into what scripters can do. Best bet is to just scatter stuff everywhere.
  22. Wallberot

    Why this mod is failing

    What the hell... Yeah it's buggy. Yeah the hackers are having fun.. But, so am I. Rule #1.
  23. Wallberot

    Anyway to report these guys?

    Simple scripts that are purchased, that a monkey could do. Need to go after the OG.
  24. I recently put a few tents down on this server. US 1416 Hosted by Bruce Willis. Everything was fine for about an hour, now I am getting kicked constantly. Very random kicks. I don;t wan't to accuse the admin of anything. This may be on my end. It's just odd that I can get in, play for a bit, then a few certain names log in, and then I am kicked over and over. If admin does see this(and is kicking me), could you allow me on your server long enough to just pull my tents up, and I will leave? Thanks!