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About stubbinz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. stubbinz

    DayZ Stories

    The day was just beginning for me. I had been running all over the north for days. Havent seen a living soul in god knows how long. I had ended up taking refuge in a forest somewhere. I was running low on supplies but had plenty of ammo for my M14. I wasnt to worried. I just needed to find some food and water before my limited supply ran out. So i started moving. After a while of trumping through this forest i came across a deer stand. Naturally there were three zeds shambling about around it. Eager to see what goodies would be in the tower i made my way over to it on my belly. I clambered inside only to my disappointment were tin cans and chemlights. I sighed and decided to dispatch the three zeds patrolling this place in hopes one of them might have something of value. After finishing them off i noticed i had alerted about 15 greys in the distance that were sprinting to my lil fortification. No worries, i had plenty of ammo. I take aim at the first in line running towards me. When the gunshot that rang out was not mine. Suddenly my shoulder was bleeding as i fell to the floor. Fuck, i thought as more rounds pegged my lil fort. I suddenly realized how dire my situation was. I had no bandages to stop my bleeding, all the while greys are making their way up ky ladder. I hold off the few that made it but knew i was going to be a gonner. In a last ditch effort i took my last smoke grenade and hurled it in some random panicked direction. As i got up to run down the ladder, i hear those gunshots again but this time they werent directed at me. I looked over and realized what happend. My smoke grenade had landex right where this sniper was and the hreys around me were all over him. He started running exposing himself. "Oh no you dont fucker." Is all that comes to mind as i rose my rifle and took aim. Two shots met their mark. One in his gut an the other taking out his legs. I lower my weapon and watching as he tries in vain to crawl away from the beasts biting at his legs. After i was sure he was dead i dispatched the surviving zeds and quickly ran to the gunman's corpse. I couldnt help but cheer for victory when i find his bandages. My vision was starting to grey out when i finally got the bleeding under control. I took what provisions he had and continued to make way through the forest. Another day of life for me. Relief washed over me. Although i knew this peace was temporary, it was a nice accomplishment of not dying. Life in zone, can get hectic from time to time. Just gotta hope for the best.
  2. stubbinz

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    Also confirming Performance drop. Went from 45 - 55 Fps to 15-15fps Really bad in rain.