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Everything posted by smellsliketeens

  1. smellsliketeens

    How to Properly Pronounce Chernarus Locations

    File isn't there.
  2. smellsliketeens

    Zombies are back in charge - good job

    I died a bit on the inside. Materiel is military equipment, namely the things that 50 caliber rifles are used for taking out other than infantry.
  3. smellsliketeens

    The "What items did you lose?" thread

    Well its tough to say but people are saying that on some servers they have their gear and others they don't. Atm I have possibly lost an m4 CCo, ak74 kobra, 1911, a lot of medical supplies. The big question is about tents and cars, because if tents are cleared out there goes my server side hospital.
  4. smellsliketeens

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Make sure if you're using http://imageshack.us/ that you copy the Direct Link. EDIT: Courtesy of smellsliketeens thanks, i figured it out after u said it :D
  5. smellsliketeens

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    I dont think it worked for me
  6. smellsliketeens

    Most needed cloths/skins in DAYZ.

    This would help immensely. My group usually differentiates through weapons they carry, as they are the ones with pistols out most of the time. The ability to choose what color clothing you have would be nice.
  7. smellsliketeens

    Who needs Helicrash

    Keep at least a mile away from your intended loot areas. If you plan on staying around the NW airbase or stary, go at least further than that. I suggest past petrovka, and I know of some players using the dam area because it is so remote. I know Skalka would be a great place for the NWAF. However, the best spots are those that only people with vehicles would bother going to(if you have a vehicle). Places so remote that people on foot would just not even bother.
  8. smellsliketeens

    Best sniper?

    SVD camo or m24 imo. The .50s are nice except for ammo and the stealth factor. They are loud and if you are trying to just move to another sniper spot they stick out like a sore thumb if the enemy is looking for you. The svd has the same ammo issue, but the scope allows for faster shots than the mildots calculation. It also makes you invisible in the grass with a ghille. m24 is quieter than the .50s and the ammo (a single dmg mag gives you 4 m24 mags) is quite common, allowing much more liberal use. Remember that it does come down to preference.