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About sneak_

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  1. sneak_

    Found a working boat...

    Yup, doppred my backpack and swam out with it in my main invent - and it was all on the ocean floor.. What's annoying is that it's about 20m off the shore line :( I guess u can't fill them up whilst on them ! :(
  2. sneak_

    Found a working boat...

    just sucks that it's totally pointless :(
  3. Which is in the sea, but doesn't have fuel - Is there anyway to fuel it? Or does it have to be on land? I have a jerrycan
  4. Ye, same here.. i was in stitches when it happend :D Thanks ^_^
  5. Yes fraps ;x Honestly, not a setup.. I was waiting for a mate and this random guy came in screaming about zombies - so i fraps'd :D
  6. You can unfortunately hear mumble aswell.. Untill the good part thankfully ^_^ Felt bad, once i stopped laughing. :lol: :rolleyes:
  7. No, thats why when this guy said about moving the beta - i thought he had the steam files ^_^
  8. sneak_

    Sniping Videos

  9. No... The actual files to download... lol
  10. Where are the files for steam?...
  11. Date/Time: 18:55(ish) 08/07/2012 What happened: I logged off and joined UK FUn House to meet a mate. When I joined, I was in the proper location (Where I logged off previous) but I literally have a blank inventory... Where you were: Road South of Gorka What you were doing: Stood in a bush. Current installed version: Server(s) you were on: uk fun house/uk #30/uk #99 Your system specs: I7 930, HD6970, 6gig ram, win 7 64bit Timeline of events before/after error: Literally joined to meet my mate, logged in to find my character in his ghillie with nothing (Totally blank inventory) It wouldn't really bother me - however i had an as50, bizon sd, m9 silenced, ghillie suit, nvg's, rangefinders, alice pack and loads of toolbelt inventory (I had 2 spaces missing).. Plus being alive for 6+ days. Is there anything that can be done to retrieve my stuff? Thanks, sneak_ For people to laugh at http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541806139858922986/8DDB9A5E37750B618B619096AA9C2A337F8BB1FB/ ^^
  12. I'm aware of the other thread's, however this just happened to me :( date/Time: 18:55(ISH) 08/07/2012 What happened: I logged off and joined UK FUn House to meet a mate. When I joined, I was in the proper location (Where I logged off previous) but I literally have a blank inventory... Where you were: Road South of Gorka What you were doing: Stood in a bush. Current installed version: Server(s) you were on: uk fun house/uk #30/uk #99 Your system specs: I7 930, HD6970, 6gig ram, win 7 64bit Timeline of events before/after error: Literally joined to meet my mate, logged in to find my character in his ghillie with nothing (Totally blank inventory) It wouldn't really bother me however i had an as50, bizon sd, m9 silenced, ghillie suit, nvg's, rangefinders, alice pack and loads of toolbelt inventory (I had 2 spaces missing).. Plus being alive for 6+ days. Is there anything that can be done to retrieve my stuff? Thanks, sneak_