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About Sapper317

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sapper317

    Helicoptor fuel problem

    you may need to repair the fuel tank as it has a leak (fuel tank parts)
  2. Sapper317

    Ohio servers and info

    Enjoy playing on ohio 1 thank you.
  3. Saying that "this is what DayZ is about" and that you should accept it as it is isn't the point. The mod is an alpha, and is a changing beast. Rocket is the creator and ultimately the direction of the game is up to him, but I don't know any developer that doesnt make games for the enjoyment of the player. If no feedback was necessary, then the mod wouldnt be open to the public. If a change is implemented that people dont like or is buggy, then it is expected that they come here and give feedback to improve upon the mod on its way to final (weither rocket decides to act on it or not is his perogative). Fantastic to all of you that have learned to cope with bugs and stacked odds, but the point is to build a better and more enjoyable mod through feedback and opinions.
  4. I see a disproportionate amount of people posting in the forums that they like the new amount of zombies compared to how many people in servers themselves are at their wits end. Im just pointing out that forum users opinions are not necessarily representative of the player base, so just keep that in mind. In my opinion, the difficulty level is now far too high and the zombies need to be scaled back to the original numbers with better AI. It is alpha though and the mod is free, so point taken.
  5. Sapper317

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    I hope this amount of zombies is a joke for your birthday.