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Everything posted by DeTaiLz

  1. DeTaiLz

    I need someone to play with

    More like .png
  2. DeTaiLz

    Roaming Military

    So Zombies killing/shootting players? I read it fast so im not sure. But no please its better if you can get bigger zombies stronger faster but are rare?
  3. DeTaiLz

    Beta Patch bad cd key Steam

    It tells me that but I click OK and it works even though I got it from steam legit.
  4. DeTaiLz

    Green mountain...

    Im gonna look for it ;D
  5. DeTaiLz

    Green mountain...

  6. DeTaiLz

    Zombies at Helicopter Crash site...

    Server lag lololol
  7. My HUD only this part http://icap.me/i/tst0iKcchG.png Doesnt fit with my Monitor like its right behind the monitor anyone know why? I got that HUD from images as i cant take one in game and the montior is the one on top right that tells you how many kills you have etc
  8. DeTaiLz

    Why does my HUD not fit?

    Normal is the only one that works but still goes over monitor, :/
  9. DeTaiLz

    Why does my HUD not fit?

    Last bump lolol
  10. DeTaiLz

    Why does my HUD not fit?

  11. DeTaiLz

    Why does my HUD not fit?

    Same thing its 1366x 768
  12. DeTaiLz

    Why does my HUD not fit?

    Where would it be in the video settings? lol Or can you show a pic i havent see it
  13. DeTaiLz

    Rocket needs to....

    I agree.
  14. DeTaiLz

    Dead players becoming zombies?

    Or if the game can spawn zombies BUT with a backpack loot will be random?
  15. DeTaiLz

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only I would love if it was like Minecraft your account Premium and you can play online servers etc..So you are pretty much buying the game for once then its yours forever, I hate when you have to pay once a month so no WoW style I dont want the game free because you guys need to earn something for all the hard work you guys have earned. Studio developed-Yes Kick starter-Yes
  16. DeTaiLz

    how to get topic back at top?

    Just post again? Not sure if that works with IPB.
  17. Nice thanks for update!
  18. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/wigoc/psa_do_not_i_reapeat_do_not_play_1722/
  19. DeTaiLz

    Blinking Blackscreen

    http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/wigoc/psa_do_not_i_reapeat_do_not_play_1722/ READ THIS
  20. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/wigoc/psa_do_not_i_reapeat_do_not_play_1722/ READ THIS
  21. Should we update the beta patch? http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/