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About MichealKenny

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    On the Coast
  1. MichealKenny

    Conditioning Mechanic

    nice idea, but it would have to be a very little increase in skills.
  2. Thank you very much for the reply -Micheal.
  3. Just an idea I had to encourage the players on the server to join the community and limit server hoppers a bit, it would also discourage hackers slightly "why join this server when I could join another with less hassle?" anyway, I don't run a gaming community, just thought it would be a cool way to slightly restrict server access while hopefully abiding by the rules.
  4. Hypothetically, If I were to run a medium sized gaming community, could I password protect a server and have a public post on the gaming communities forum giving the password to both members and non-members? even if I were to say in the server name "password available at [forum address]"? Thanks very much -Micheal.