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About mentalrage

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    On the Coast
  1. mentalrage

    DayZ 1.7.8 "Choose Spawn", Thoughts?

    My real problem is people respawning immediately in an area they just died in. Blocking people from choosing the same starting zone only partially fixes it, it doesn't in cases where a bandit spawns in kamenka and dies in cherno because they can just respawn there instantly one time. If it was possible I would rather have a system where it detected where you died and forced you to spawn in adjacent city. Create zones with coordinates that cover the city and a bit outside the surrounding area (otherwise you get cases where a long distance sniper is killing people in cherno from the forest but isn't detected as dying in the city because he's just slightly over the border) If they die in that area then they have to pick an adjacent starting zone. Edit: I suppose you could simplify this by just adding a single point in each zone and determining which one you died closer to but you would have to add a cutoff distance to that of x kilometers so people dying in NWAF won't suddenly be blocked from balota because that is the closest spawn. I guess in cases like this you can just allow them to spawn anywhere again because they are so far out it doesn't matter anymore If you really want add some chance to it I suppose you can make random still have the possibility of spawning there but that could lead to people suiciding again to get the correct spawn. Although I still kinda like the idea of rolling the dice and possibly being able to get my loot back/killing my attacker vs getting sent off to some far away starting zone that I normally wouldn't pick. I admit that it's probably a lot harder to implement this than just blocking the last zone you picked but I'd like to think it solves my issue a lot better. I personally don't care about people choosing the same starting zone over and over as long as its decently far from where they keep dying. In the end suiciding is still a significant problem in both systems. You can just choose a new zone, suicide, and immediately go back to the original zone. The only thing I can think of is timers that block each zone from being picked for x minutes after its chosen. I guess you could end up blocking yourself from all the zones being forced to totally wait it out but the only reasonably way I see that happening is someone deliberately trying to cheat the game. In the end you have a system where you can't spawn in the last place you died + all areas where you spawned in within the last 15-20(?) minutes or so.
  2. Let me point something out. The problem with Arma 2 not being designed for something like DayZ is because it allowed players to run any script they wanted on the server at will. Since this game was designed primarily as a simulation game they assumed that everyone playing would be in it for a genuine experience. The problem comes along where a mod like DayZ introduced persistent loot and so forth. Now you have scripters who can run almost anything they want on the server because the engine just straight up allows it. When Rocket finally has access to the source code he can just block this kind of stuff outright. There will still be hackers but it will be 1000 times easier to develop ways to stop them. On top of that with the source he can literally mold the engine any way he desires instead of just bending the rules of what modding allows. This is the best possible outcome for the mod in every sense.
  3. mentalrage

    Quick question on CZ ammo

    Alright Im guessing my problem might be the fact that Ive only been looking through those 2 floor barns for the ammo. Does anyone know if it spawns in residential buildings like the apartments? I'm sorry Im not sure how the loot system works entirely yet. Just want to make sure Im not running into buildings looking for ammo where it will never spawn. You can convert dmr for the CZ? I tried looking up sources online for this but I cant find any. Ill check if I run across any regardless. Ill give that a shot as well
  4. I feel like I'm crazy but I can't seem to find any ammo for this gun. I found my first one in a barn and since then I've been to about 2 dozen (2 floor-red roof) barns. Ive found another 3 CZ's but never any ammo next for them. Does it spawn anywhere else besides farm buildings? I remember a month back I use to find it EVERYWHERE but now that I finally have it for the first time I can't find a single clip. :(
  5. mentalrage

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    I think it has to do mainly with the users own computer. I've been playing with my friend for the last few weeks and this happens to him maybe 3-4 times an hour while Ive never had this happen to me at all. We will be running through a field and he will suddenly vanish back to the market we looted a few minutes back. We always use current beta/mod version as well.