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Everything posted by foo2bar

  1. foo2bar

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    i will not pay 1 bug for this mod! This is a bit crazy, that ppl like this mod! I played a long time this mod and i am sick about updates like dogs or whatever and the simple alt+F4 problem is not solved! WTF guys? Is it so hard to put the Timeout up to 4-6 sec and save the Char before he disconnect? I will pay NOTHING for a game full of bugs and stupid updates! i mean if it would be possible to duplicate the money in D3 it would be fixed in 1-3 Days (if known). But here u can still duplicate and u can still alt+f4 and the devs dont care! Are u a team full of apes? We dont need DOGS! we NEED problem solving! btw and u can report hackers like u want and there is no dev 1 sec in the threads! gj u are doing a gj! feed the apes with dogs and new guns and they will buy the game!
  2. i told u to increase the timeout up to 5 sec and u do it ... good boy ...
  3. foo2bar

    Pending Update: Build

    if rocket were to add a ban button for "think to much of themselves". Only u would get a ban
  4. foo2bar

    Pending Update: Build

    u are so funny ... NOT
  5. foo2bar

    Pending Update: Build

    what da fuq ... whats about the dialog? i missclicked 2 times and died instant case of this retarded button. plz fix this first and stop do things like that. FIX the MAIN PROBLEMS!
  6. foo2bar

    Pending Update: Build

    and? he is the dev. he have to say something or he will lose the community. i am thinking to stop playing dayz case of this terrible communication. I feel like nothing here. I can report Hackers how much i want and they will not get a ban. He put suits out of the loottable and dont say anything. He dont say "oh we need more time". Its not a problem if he say it but he dont care! EDIT: and he dont ask like: "oh do u think its a good idea to disable the suicide button?" ... he just do it and dont care. he is not a good dev!
  7. foo2bar

    Pending Update: Build

    i loled hard. it will fix nothing! They press alt + f4 and get a "timeout"? wow that will them scare. "timeout" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< dead. Plz stop this wannabe fixes and fix it or let it. dont waste your time with this and start to ban hackers! EDIT: why u dont put the timeout up to 5 sec. They will not alt + f4 case they now ... they are dead anyway .. problem solved
  8. Which server: DE 201 Time: 17:58 [GMT +2] Where: 1. location: PobedaDam 2. location: 78:000 What happen: i wanted to ride my bike to my "base". At location 1 i saw a black guy with camo face and zivi clothes. He got a makarov and tried to talk with me in local. I ignored him and ride away. btw he tried to shoot me (but he didnt hit). @ location 2 i saw AGAIN a black guy with camo face and zivi clothes and alice backpack. i jump off the bike and then i shoot him with my m4a3 like 30 shoots in body and head. It was look like he didnt load the location and was confused where i shoot (i think he teleport). He didnt die and after 30 sec he looked up and down and right and left (without runing) he tried to kill me. He shoot 1-2 times on me and i disconnected from the server (i dont want die by a cheater). I looked in the clan-forum (serverhoster) and saw many flamed about a guy how teleport in cities and kill them and steal there cars/bikes/others. PS: Nigga stolen my bike :> something new: at 18:52 [GMT+2] a hacker got controll over the server and spam global (its not the serveradmin! he was afk in teamspeak.) http://i.imgur.com/F0Hul.jpg
  9. foo2bar

    cheater on DE 201

    i see as a Cheater u dont have to be scared. More support plz. dont let dayz die case of Cheater!