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Everything posted by Ramtex

  1. Ramtex

    Rocket's Interview with GameBreaker

    Please return to your bridge, the three billy goats wish to cross.
  2. Ramtex

    Random event possibilties/feedback.

    Slow down a bit guys, your forgetting this is regional Russia, not Moscow.
  3. I stopped reading at Coleman. C'mon, how much did they pay you?? Again, rocket has stated that he does NOT want to punish people for being bandits. This idea would do exactly that.
  4. Ramtex

    Baseball Bat

    This seems to be the most logical approach. But by that logic, if it is indeed Russia, there should be revolvers EVERYWHERE!
  5. Or when you shoot players in the head, make conffeti burst from their brains and hear the cheers of chil...oh wait, wrong game..
  6. Ramtex

    Military Convoy

    Yeah, this idea was posted a while ago. several times. I've been keeping up with as much of the news as I can, and there have been no hints of adding anything like this. Sorry.
  7. Ramtex

    Abandonded cars

    This would also help rocket with his desire to spread out the loot and randomize it more. This is a good idea.
  8. Ramtex

    Ban bug

    Oh there is a simple fix. Simply place a cow in the fridge, and put it on a spin-dry cycle for 1000 years. Done! My sentence made more sense I think.
  9. Oh yeah, I'm going to zig-zag towards you in a friendly manner.
  10. Ramtex

    Player Placeable Camp Structures

    I like this idea. Would be cool to set up mini towns in the mountains.
  11. Ramtex

    Hand to Hand

    It would be nice to be able to defend yourself without having a weapon.
  12. I was thinking about the whole topic of bandits and survivors blah blah blah, and I came to the conclusion that our biggest problem is communication. You can't learn to trust someone who can't talk to you. We have direct chat, but that only works at what, 50m? I say, the map be cut into regions (this would also help people navigate better), each region has its own chat channel. Not voice chat, just like side chat. Once a player moves into a said region, they automatically join that regions chat. Of course there would be ways designed for those who don't want this feature. I know it won't fix all our problems, but its a start. Let me know what you guys think. -Ram
  13. Ramtex

    Regional Chat Channels

    Side chat was a pest, you could hear the n00bs in Cherno all the way to the airfield. That's why I suggested regional chat. So only people withing your region can chat.
  14. Ramtex

    More Zombies But Make Them Slower

    Agreed. I've taken to only playing at night now because the infected are just crazy OP. There bodies are degrading, they should have lower senses and slower functions. not imitating the Flash with a serious case of the munchies.
  15. Ramtex

    Regional Chat Channels

    I wasn't talking about voice chat. -.-
  16. Ramtex

    A Ghillie for vehicles

    +1. Nice idea. I would use that.
  17. Ramtex

    Regional Chat Channels

    Not everyone on the internet is comfortable with their voice being heard. The games younger players often don't want people to know they are that age.
  18. Ramtex

    Frustrating fate

    Trust is something that does not materialize in thin air. It needs to be worked at. Our biggest issue is lack of communication with the people at the other end of our scopes.
  19. I do often wish I saw less "empty whiskey" bottles.
  20. Ramtex

    Improvised items - Medieval(ish) cuirass

    By the time you reach either Rog, Zub or Devil's, one would hope you already have a gun.
  21. Ramtex

    Upgrade the Crossbow?

    Agreed, it just takes practice. Be clever with your ammo and time your shots well. Its still a one hit kill, no matter where you aim.
  22. On this logic, the water you collect in water bottles from the lakes would also be unsafe, and if you want to go with realism here, you think the human body can sustain itself on nothing but pepsi and cola?
  23. I support this idea. I think we should also be able to drink from lakes and water fountains too.
  24. Ramtex

    Improvised items - Medieval(ish) cuirass

    Body armor? Seriously? *facepalm* People stopped making armor because of guns, and what use is protection against infected in your protection slows you down! May as well go prone when a zed sees you. Get it over with faster. They can already outrun you...