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Everything posted by Salzisailor

  1. Salzisailor

    DE 294 REPORT

    HAHAHA! You are funny Waly, I laughed lots... :) But actually, I like to play with barbies. ;D Yeah I know now that its not allowed, I just read it. Its not my server anyway. But in my opinion this rule doesnt make sense. Anyways, the server is free for everyone now. But Waly, take care that you dont get killed by bad people... ;)
  2. Salzisailor

    DE 294 REPORT

    Do you actually have an idea of what you are talking about? Have YOU been killed there? Also is it free to everyone to go on empty servers to farm! Maybe its a clan server?! Is it forbidden to have locked clan servers? I see lots of locked servers online!
  3. Salzisailor

    Suche Partner geh einfach in chillout
  4. Salzisailor

    Suche Partner

    ok...vll wars auch ne mail. aufjedenfall hab ich auch skype, da könne ma au kurz das bereden. email entweder rlsalzmann@web.de oder rlsalzmann@googlemail.com ansonsten ts3?
  5. Salzisailor

    Suche Partner

    hast ne PM! ;)