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Everything posted by Lamkiller

  1. Hey there, I want to report the player "Zero" on the Server "US 863 Kansas City (V1.7.2.4|Beta|95819) [ Regular GMT-6] hosted by DAZOE.net", there were 5 Players of us and 1 Enemy (Zero), we we're raiding NW-Airfield when suddenly one of us was killed by a grenade, we then saw a player called Zero (nametags are on) and opened fire on him, two of us hitted him with our M107's, another one shot him with a M4 SD, a M16 and a SAW and he bleed like shit but killed the players "Novia","Pirat" and "SchoolGirlPWNZ" of our group. We shot him another two rounds with M107s and hitted him but he ran around nonetheless. Then he suddenly dissapeared and reapeared behind my mate "GrrArrrgh" and killed her. At this point I decided to disconnect from the server because it pisses me off like shit, we lost 4 ghilie-suits, 1 camo-suit, a SAW, a DMR, a M16, 2 M4 SD, NVG's and the other Stuff. Please ban this fucking asshole-.- It just pissed me off like shit when I get killed by hackers, got killed twice yesterday by a guy that suddenly ported in front of me, and by another guy who spawned many helis when I walked around in cherno.
  2. Lamkiller

    Play with diffrent account

    yup, regedit is the answer, i play with two different accounts, too.
  3. Lamkiller

    Player "Zero" on US 863 at 22:18

    Still here at this moment
  4. I get this message too, but while having a ping of 13-25 :/
  5. Lamkiller

    Admin of LU273

    Hey Gank, I just wanted to ask you why the fuck you keep kicking me from your server? It seems like that I am the only one you're kicking since my 3 mates are able to keep playing. I havent done anything that would explain this, so please stop or otherwise I will report your server since it pisses me off if admins do shit like this, as requested I will upload a video that shows how I am getting kicked again and again and again. ( Can't be because of ping-issues, since my ping is 17-21 )
  6. Lamkiller

    Server admins stealing GUIDs for spoofing

    I bet over 70% of the DayZ players bougth Arma2:CO only to play DayZ and this is exactly why the mod is so successfull and this is why there are new beta-patches coming for Arma2. So you are a fool and the typical noob that thinks DayZ would be the same as it is if there werent people buying Arma2 only for DayZ. lol.
  7. You suggest a Support-Thread as a explanation that you arent hosting the server for you/your friends? I got a thread like this also on my homepage, just like every trader/reseller/shop :rolleyes: And in fact - People ARE all "greedy grubs like me", thats what humans are like even if you help someone else "without getting anything for it", you still do it for yourself, because you are hopeing that the person will be grateful or to feel better. Wake up mate, take a look around and see the world how it is. :( P.S: It tells a lot about you person and character how you are offending everyone who isnt your opinion. youre just a small-minded, rude person, but if it helps you to feel like givin presents to all people you are hosting servers for ( obsiously you arent hosting them for anyone you know :rolleyes: ) and be a hero for them - go on with it
  8. Lamkiller

    Anybody else getting this notification?

    god, i already feared that my dayz is damaged O.o
  9. Yes, you are. If you dont have any friends that play on your server and you arent playing by yourself, you are one of the 1% of the admins that really do something for the community, but since you say you didnt play dayz for 3 weeks that also means you arent testing if everything just runs fine after patches and so on, so you are obviously lying or youre just a troll.
  10. Hey there, I have Arma 2:CO twice, one version as ArmaX (retail) and Arma2:CO (steam). I'd like to be able to play two different characters this way, one when i play with my friends, and another one for when i want to play as lonesome. Due to 2 Different Arma2:CO keys this should do it. But if i try to install the Arma2 Beta patch, it always installs it in the Retail directory. Is there any way to change the direction to where the betapatch installs or any other possibility to patch my steamversion of Arma2:CO? Thanks for help. Lamkiller (May there is a possibility to simply change the cd-key data to switch the char i want to play?)
  11. Lamkiller

    Sonic Clan "Private" Server

    The problem isnt that you cant play on their servers, the problem is that they collect equip in the hive and kick ass on other servers with their high-end equip. That is in fact pay2win and should not be possible in dayz. If they want to play for themselves they could play withoud the hive-connection, so nobody would complain about it.
  12. Jo, weil sich die Member auch dran halten und du das kontrollieren kannst... *höhö*... nicht. Mach einfach einen privaten Server ohne Hive-Zugang, dann gibts auch kein Problem damit, so ist das aber das allerletzte. (Offizielle Server mit unter 40 Slots sind übrigens auch nur in Ländern mit teuerer Bandbreite erlaubt, dazu würde ich Deutschland nicht unbedingt zählen.)
  13. seems like many servers have wrong time declarations since 1.7.2 - at least this is what i noticed.
  14. Well, I dont agree with you by saying " We host the servers for you, not for us " this is in fact simply wrong. You do host it for yourself, to have a server to play on, with the settings you prefer and where you can kick/ban hackers by yourself. Every admin who says something else is simply a liar, I am hosting many different gameservers reaching from CS:S over COD to Minecraft, and i would never claim to do that only for the community - you host it for yourself and nobody else ( even though you might be interested in other players joining your server ). Though I still believe that there are some "legal" admins who aren't abusing their rights and possibilities as admins, I really have to say that there are too many abusing admins. I played with 3 friends today, on the first server everyone but 3 people got kicked off the server, they seemed to be wanting to be alone ( US 907 ), later they put a password on it, and even later they removed it ( about 7-9 hours after kicking everyone but these 3 players ). after that we were searching for another server and found one ( sadly i forgot the name, but it was also a US server ), when raiding the small airfield at balota we managed to "lock" 3 players in the glasstower, we killed 2 of them and managed to kill a 4th one wo seemed to try to help them, shortly after that we managed to kill the last of the 3 ppl group - aaaaand the server restarted. So far we didn't wonder, restarts happen. When we got back on the server we noticed that the 3 killed people of the tower were the only ones already back and the server and when we logged in the 3 people in the tower were back alive, the 4th one didnt show up again. We had a hard fight with the towermen - now that they knew our positions, but we managed to kill them again, but when the last one died - guess what - a restart again. We though decided to join again and it was the same situation as before, the 3 towermen were back in life and our positions were resetted to where we stood before, but this time they managed to hit one of our group so we decided to recover. Resumé of a normal day playing DayZ: 2 of 3 Servers didnt work as they should, one used obviously his adminrights to be alone with his friends and collect better equip, and i suspect the other one not to run clean too. The third server said [GMT-8] but it was deepest night when there should have been around 4 PM. So i wouldnt say "most" admins are "legal", i'd rather say pretty few admins are running their server "legal". May I'm havin alot of badluck with my serverchoice, but in 2 weeks of playing DayZ almost every day was like today. Greetings. (P.S: There seem to be many servers where only 1 player can join and every other player trying to joing is getting kicket - we noticed that for example at DE 55 where always 1 of our group was able to join, while the other ones got the "you've been removed from the game"-message. Sorry for misspelling or wrong grammar - I'm neither british nor american )
  15. thats really crap, only bought armaX for DayZ, havin holdidays and cant play :(
  16. I also bought ArmaX and cant join the servers with this error message Name: Lamkiller ID: 204162AX