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Everything posted by Gooch0

  1. Don't you love it when you're on a server, it happens to not have that many people on it, and you still can't escape the scope of another player? Haha, I'm on server US 880, at the moment there are 6 people on the server. I've only got maybe 30 minutes into this survivor total, and I've been on tonight for 5 minutes....and I take a few rifle rounds to the chest from out of nowhere. Why must you shoot on sight, lol? Whatever, I've spent that entire 30 minute life looking for ANY sort of food and was wicked hungry. Maybe it was better to be put out of my misery and I can respawn near some damn beans, its that too much to ask? XD Also, I'm wondering how many of you play with the graphic setting all the way down to you can see other players easily? I personally prefer better visuals, but how many of you bean bandits are negating shrubery to see more?
  2. Actually, this is the best statement I've seen about how I feel about the game. I personally enjoy hunting other player, and get satisfaction in knowing that others are doing the same. It just makes this game that much more exciting. I DO NOT however hug the coast with a sniper rifle picking off re-spawned players. There is no fun in that. I think a small problem is having decent lot so close to the coast. Now, nothing is going to stop a$$hats with a 2 inch stubby e-peen from hawk-eyeing the coast, picking off un-armed or under-armed spawners. But having 2 large cities and an airfield on the coast kind of makes this unavoidable. For example, I'm way up in the northeast coast of the map a few days back, minding my own business when I get put on my back by a sniper round from way out. I never heard the crack, only the whip. So whoever shot me was WAY out. I was on day three, had a nice set of survival gear, crappy guns, but my first ghille suit! Was I upset? Sure, but not raging angry. That's the game! I was in what I would have considered, swapping places with my killer, a free kill zone. I spent a good hour last week sniping folks in Electro before I was finally spotted and sniped out. I wasn't in the mood to farm food, I had plenty especially with a hatchet, matches and knife I'd never go hungry again. So what's a guy to do with a hunting rifle? It's really hard on populated servers where groups are already formed to get any ground as a solo player. They are always watching each others back, they will just camp a body until their buddy comes back, so good luck looting a kill. I've seen a bunch of folks in some servers have fleets of vehicles, haha kinda funny. Or they will just camp high value targets, which is what I really think the games meta should be about, at this point anyway. The problem is, some of these high value areas are on the coast. I don't want to have "respawn" areas, I like the freedom that this games gives, but the people that play this games half a day everyday with their unemployed buddies who are armed to the teeth kinda bum out new players and players like myself that....well lets be honest, actually go to work, haha XD. (A little jelly ;) ) I'm not crying "It's not fair" or anything, I'd rather have a job trust me haha. I guess what I'm getting at is as this game gets more involved internally it's going to get harder and hard to just "pick up and play". At this point, on populated servers, I kind of feel like a sea turtle. If I can just make it just far enough inland I'll be safe for a while, until I build up gear and brave the more valuable loot areas. I'f I can't escape the coast it's because I got F'd by commando joe and his band of merry men after I spawn. There is no really big reason other than the main airfield in the north west for anyone to venture and stay inland. Other than that airfield it's one town in the center of the map, and then the huge towns on the coast. All that to say, maybe new maps like this new "island" themed map will help issues like this. Also, once my buddies see the brilliance of this game I'm hoping they see the light and join soon. It's really hard to trust the "friendlies" that shoot you in the back when you turn around.
  3. Gooch0

    Too many lone players?

    Whoa! Watch out for this guy, people. He's a regular Billy Bad Ass!
  4. Gooch0

    It's coming ............

    I'm going to play both, why hate?
  5. Gooch0

    I try not to hate too much BUT

    It's in Alpha. Anyone who complains, not comments but complains (there is a difference), is an idiot. BTW lose the signature bud, feeding stereotypes does nothing for anyone.
  6. I just want to say thank you Rocket for this wonderful mod. I honestly haven't been this excited about a video game since vanilla WoW. I've played ARMA before a while back and purchased it recently just to play DayZ. I haven't teamed up with anybody quite yet as I think I started playing just as the word "friendly" started to mean "my guard is down, blast me". Playing solo has been a lot of fun, however. On my current run I finally got my hands on a knife and matches at the same time so I can actually feed myself (sometimes cans are impossible to find). For being in alpha the game isnt half bad. I've learned its all about connection latency as shooting glitchy zombies is already hard enough. Don't pay attention to "this game will die soon" crowd. Keep doing what you're doing!
  7. Gooch0

    Thank you Rocket!

    Seriously? I'll have to take that into consideration today, thanks.
  8. Players who disconnect to save their lives are pathetic...What's the point of the games if you're just going to DC when you're on the losing side of a fire fight. Not sure which town I was in, maybe Stary or whatever its called (still a new player), minding my own business when I hear shots out in the distance. Luckly as I'm sneaking along I see movement ahead and its a well armed gentleman. Big pack and all. I'm not moving to give myself away (he's on the other side of a small ridge literally 20-30 feet away, so I can't shoot at him as the bullet will just hit the hill. As I think he's headed down towards town, he changes direction towards me. I hesitate just to see if he may be friendly...and then he shoots at me and I immediately shoot back. I hit him, he goes prone. I can see him there....and then he's gone. So it's ok to attempt to kill under-armed prey, but heaven forbid a newbie kill you, :). So the pansy DC's to save his skin. I fell an easy way to alleviate this problem is to handle DC's like other MMO's where you have a certain countdown till you can safely log out, of if you DC your toon is still "in the game" for a short time. Then if commando pansy wants to DC because he can't walk the walk it doesn't matter, he gets 20 seconds like everybody else (or some fixed time limit). http://www.twitch.tv...oys/b/325877840 Here you can see it happen around 2:40:00.
  9. Gooch0

    Players who disconnect to...

    Well then if I knew the guys name I have video of it linked above. I'll have to think faster next time.
  10. Gooch0

    Players who disconnect to...

    Well sunshine, thank you for informing me! I would assume and hope there were plans for this issue. What I didn't expect is internet rage from some Dbag in a forum, XD. Sorry mommy pissed in your cereal this morning...
  11. I have spent several hours watching people play this game on twitch and it sparked my interest big time. After the first few hours of watching, a lot of social scenarios pop into my head: "Would I bother going into a town my myself?" "Should I contact this person up head, kill him, or just walk away quietly?" "Is it safe for me to try to group up with people around this 'town'" On and on. The mind games are almost as interesting and fun as the game. Haha, even yesterday I was watching a streamer on twitch (forgot his name) and he was trolling another player who was camping in a building. He threw a grenade into the building the camper was in and attracted easily 20+ zombies which destroyed the camper :D. Hilarious. I really like the survival aspect of the game, the huge unknown. But I like playing with others. I think the biggest issue I see right now is that people have NO reason to work with anyone else. There is no goal other than to survive as long as possible, which I'm not saying as bad! I would like to see a reason too work with others. Which brings up 2 types of players, the friendly survivor and the loner. So my idea is for the inclusion of what I'll call "events". Zombie horde stampede all of the sudden comes running over a hill towards electro. Are you alone? You need food, but do you run out of town hoping for better luck elsewhere? Do you stay and fight back? All of the sudden you see other survivors! Do you work with them to drive back the horde so you don't risk moving around the countryside, possible starving or attracting murders? Or maybe if the population of zombies constantly grows and you need to thin the heard to gain access to resources in the city? Maybe different servers could have different events. Just thinking out loud. I've played Arma before and ironically was thinking about buying it about a month ago before my new computer came in before I knew about DayZ. Any thoughts or concerns with adding events that you regulars can think of?