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Everything posted by Snipes7

  1. Looking to start playing DayZ again and hoping to find a private server to make my home at. Any clans recruiting or have a server I could play on?
  2. Snipes7

    Install Issues

    I was previously playing DayZ with no issues up until yesterday when I started to get the following errors. "Addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_Dubbing_Counterattack'" "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Citizen1.scope'." Being hasty and not waiting for a response (Sorry Ped!) I uninstalled everything and decided to try from scratch. The first time I installed Arma II I got the free version off the website and then OA from Steam. This time around I was following a guide and got the Demo (free) version and OA from Steam. When I try to launch Arma II I get the following error. "Steam Error. Failed to contact Key Server" Now I'm stuck and not sure what to do. If I download the free version from the website (no key issues there) and OA from Steam again will I just get the original error? Any easy (I'm not the best with computers) guide to work through this issue? Thanks for all the help!
  3. Snipes7

    Install Issues

    Anyone have a reliable way to reinstall? I would try anything at this point.
  4. I download the Arma 2 Demo and get the following... "Steam Error. Failed to contact Key Server" Anyone get this before? Is there a fix?
  5. Snipes7

    Arma 2 Steam Help

    Trading beans for help!
  6. Snipes7

    Install Issues

    Paying beans for help!
  7. Snipes7

    Install Issues

    To the top! Help please.
  8. Snipes7

    Install Issues

    Is anyone else having trouble getting a CD Key from Steam?
  9. Snipes7

    Install Issues

    I was able to run Arma when I downloaded it from the website. When I get it from Steam I get the CD key issue and can't log in. The second time around I was trying to follow Kodabar DayZ's install guide.
  10. Snipes7

    Help Please

    I know there are other posts on this but I did not see a solution that worked for me.. I get the error "Addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_Dubbing_Counterattack'" and then "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Citizen1.scope'." I have the Arma II Free and then OA from Steam. I can not find an addon folder in any of my files. The game was working last night. I updated to using DayZ Commander this afternoon and now get this error. If it helps, I am an idiot when it comes to computers so please feel free to explain a fix as if you were talking to a 6 year old. Thanks
  11. Snipes7

    Help Please

    Do I need to completely uninstall everything first?
  12. Been running around solo for a while and want to try a more team aspect. I have a mic and currently run vent. PMs please!
  13. Snipes7

    Looking for East Coast Clan

    A little more experienced/geared. Still looking for a mature group.
  14. Snipes7

    US 559 Status

    Anyone aware of the status for this world? Offline since last night. Thanks
  15. Snipes7

    Looking For some Satchels.

    Have both and can trade more than 2 charges. Would like a motorcycle/bike!
  16. Snipes7

    To the tent owners in US 745

    I'd love to. PM some directions please.
  17. Snipes7

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Cori, you are unable to recieve any new PMs.
  18. I'm trading the suit for those weapons. I guess its impossible to find gear without hacking, right?
  19. Snipes7

    NVG/M4A1 CCO SD for your L85A2 LWS

    Is this gun glitched? Found a campsite and picked it up last night. Logged back in today and it was missing from my inventory. I had been running around with it for a good hour before I logged off.
  20. Been playing for a few weeks now and have yet to see a car or truck. Is there a specific area I should try to hit? North of the NWAF to try and find some camps? I know no one wants to give away their sweet spots but just some general guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!
  21. Going over the dam worthwhile? I also saw some videos where people had camps on top of hills with no trees. Is this area off the map?
  22. Snipes7

    Edge of Map?

    Does the texture/terrain change when you are at the edge of the map? Thanks
  23. Snipes7

    Edge of Map?

    OK, thank you for the help guys.