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About llodka

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. It takes new streamers a very long time to gain viewers,generally speaking (some who have been doing it for years and have very few still). You really aren't going to gain much at all in 2 hours, and thinking that way you'll be in for a very dissapointing ride. Squad play will give you more chance at viewers than lone wolf. Your personality is important too. Check out some of the more popular streamers and you'll get an idea of whay they have so many viewers.
  2. llodka

    is dayzSA a MMO or a FPS?

    FPS and/or third person shooter with extras.
  3. llodka

    Can you play dayz alone - For long??

    If you're getting hit alot by zombies then no, you wont survive long on a server with players too.
  4. Like the title suggests. Haven't been to the site in a while, and I seem to recall number of active (actually in game) users stat has gone. Has it?
  5. llodka

    WTH tents just sigh.

    Au contraire ! Yeah every single server is up to date lololololol. The hive doesnt update them you know. And server settings can be messed around with by server admins. Even if what you say might be true it's still logical to see if you have the same problem on a different server.
  6. Ofcourse, it's also possible that the shots fired prior to you dieing may have no relevance to the one(s) that killed you. ie - other people firing elsewhere.
  7. llodka

    WTH tents just sigh.

    Not exactly. If you've ever only tried to save tents on one server and it always fails it's probably that particular server and might be worth trying a different one rather than perservering in forlorn hope that it might magically start working!
  8. llodka

    WTH tents just sigh.

    I was going to ask - do you keep trying to save tents on the same server? If you do then can't really complain.
  9. llodka

    character bound per server?

    Play on another server maybe? Use brain?
  10. More guns than players in this game. Easy as hell. no
  11. Yes it's true, no one is forcing you to buy it, but there is some measure of coercion involved. I don't want to be late to the party so I feel I will have to buy it so as not to miss out at the launch. After all playing a game when it first releases is usually the most exciting time to play. Dissapointing tbh.
  12. Once you work out that this is not a zombie survival game then all the points made by people for and agasint the proliferation of weapons in this game become obsolete. This is not a zombie survival simulation game that many of us at first thought might be. Sorry OP, all your arguments and those of people who are with, or alligned against, you are irrelvant. It's as simple as that really. Take the game for what it is - an excellent openworld pvp shooter.
  13. Yeah, such a shame it isn't. It could have been so much better if it was.