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Everything posted by HalloweeNGT

  1. Sorry for spanish voices, just mute it. I dont know if it was a hacker or an admin, but this was so weird. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B3lV0wVn-E
  2. Everything was fine, video settings on very high with no problems since first day of gameplay, but now I was playing and server suddently restarted, I relogged and im lagging as hell in every single server. All video options are still ok. Any issue like this has been reported?
  3. Right, I restarted after posting and it has been fixed. Thanks! :D
  4. HalloweeNGT

    DE112 EU20 - Lets play together

    Server nuked in 3...2...1...
  5. HalloweeNGT

    Day Z Chile

    Creía que en la jungla no había ordenadores, mucho menos internet.
  6. HalloweeNGT


    Today I was searching throught the forest for some player base, I had spotted a car going into that direction so I decided to have a look around. I found a tent, then I was surprised when i found inside 9 ghilie suits, 2 antibiotics,3 nvs and some other items. I decided to grab one ghilie for me and other for my friend, same with NVs and I left the rest to the tent owner. After that i decided to keep running in research of that car, sadly I didnt found it. When I was coming back i looked inside the tent and... it had all the items back! Instantly duping everything. Then I alt f4ed, playing like this has no sense.
  7. Sadly if those solutions are applied I wouldnt be able to log out when massive amount of hackers decide to teleport all the server players into the same location just for fun.
  8. Cant find a single working server..
  9. I just loose connection and then everytime I try to reconnect i get a "you have been kicked from the game" message... Got it on NL 13 and other NL
  10. I think this must be fixed, I just dropped the smoke grenade on the floor and the whole building collapsed with me and my friend inside.
  11. Anyone having the same problem? The server that I usually play on has updated to 95310 but 6launcher is not updating my client
  12. HalloweeNGT

    DayZ 95310

    I have manually installed it and It stills saying that I have 95248 EDIT: Fixed with the swapping exe files like #4 said.
  13. We dont need big things while we have non-working small things (almost all the mod features are not working properly)
  14. HalloweeNGT

    Not able to find servers

    Same here, yesterday everything was ok, but not today
  15. HalloweeNGT

    Ghillie Suit?

    Im saying to Blindingsun that you cant find a Ghilie in, its not about being fixed or not, its that just they DONT SPAWN, ghilies or any other kind of clothing.
  16. HalloweeNGT

    Ghillie Suit?

    Pending Update: Build Started by rocket, Jul 23 2012 03:46 PM * [FIXED] Clothing no longer spawning (now it spawns as it used too) I dont think your server is currently There are NO GHILIES in, only those who are taken from old version servers
  17. HalloweeNGT

    Ghillie Suit?

    cool story
  18. Yeah put on log out timer so I cant even avoid hackers summoning all players in the same location.
  19. HalloweeNGT


    There are hacks for almost everything
  20. HalloweeNGT

    I love and hate this game.

    I love what this game wants to be, but I hate what the game really is.
  21. First of all, im sorry for my enligsh but I hope everyone can understand this. Along the days, we can see how DayZ is growing up, I dont play this for so long but I was following the advance of the mod from outside. Everyday, the mod gains players but also looses them, we can see how cheaters, disconnecters, bug abusers are ruining a real good project. DayZ is now streamed by some streamers that have a decent amount of followers, everyone was able to see how they have been humiliated by cheaters, getting polymorphed into random animals or just killed. LOTS of possible players are watching how fucked up its the mod, not only by the glitches/bugs wich is normal in an Alpha version, but also by the hackers that are supposed to be stopped by an antihack system that cant do anything but kicking players that are not cheating. Those streamers have decided to cheat too just for fun, you can see them spawning choppers, cars, ghilies and so many items for their friends, they do it cause nothing bad happens! Shit, If i dont do it I will spend hours on farming those items for just finish with a hacker that nukes the whole server. What I mean, this mod from a side its still being developed with illusion, but from the other side the mod its being totally ruined and players can see it. What can be a good fix for everyone? Let admins protect their servers giving them the power to allow only certain IDs to log in, being them the ones to pick the players and not the players to pick the servers, in the case GTA SA (a game that its exactly on the same situation than this one in the meaning of cheating) that has worked extremely good, the serious servers have their own webpages where you have to send an apply (like a test) before they let you join the server.
  22. HalloweeNGT

    Why Can't we have all these vehicles in dayz?

    No more things to glitch plz