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About Scrumpeh

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  1. Scrumpeh

    Hacker @UK131

    Hacker, spawned a amry tents in the middle of NW(Right next to the hangars) and walled it off. Spawned a chopper, teleported and tried to shoot my friend(Luckly he missed and my friend got away). Only 3 guys on the server, 2 of them kept on dying. Hacker's name: FreddyDeady. Server: UK131. Timezone: GMT+3 Time: 03:30AM
  2. Scrumpeh

    How did you discover Day Z?

    Seen it on ABadFeeling Mumble and decided to check it out. And I never looked back.
  3. Scrumpeh

    Here is how to get your stuff back.

    I lost an M107 Anti-Material Sniper Rifle, brb going to check if some Russian farmers stash one in their barns.
  4. Scrumpeh

    So wait, lemme get this straight...

    Silly bacon, you can't play Dayz without getting screwed over couple of times.
  5. Scrumpeh

    Dear Rocket..

    Dear Rocket, I didn't sign this. I'm pretty sure that anyone who respects the game didn't sign it too. Regards, Scrumpeh.
  6. Only when we reach Beta and when he releases this for real.
  7. Another day, another thread. I only wish I had a dollar for each of those rant threads.
  8. Well good for those rednecks then, they can go and rape each other in the woods for all I care. Why repost it though?
  9. Aw shit, beef in Atlanta 98. I feel so lucky that I live in Europe and I don't have to deal with rednecks. Seriously though, calm your tits.
  10. Scrumpeh

    I feel guilty..?

    I know that feel bro. I killed John Connor, even though he was carrying only a flashlight. It still haunts me.
  11. Scrumpeh

    FN FAL or AKM?

    FN-FAL has a version with NV optics making it one kickass weapon to be using at night. I would take the AKM though, stats are the same but AKM has zeroing, giving it an edge over the FN-FAL.
  12. Scrumpeh

    PVP is Out of Control.

    Oh god, you got shot... in Cherno! I never heard about people shooting each other in Cherno! Oh the horror. Seriously though, why are you so surprised? A) It's Cherno. B) You got no response.
  13. Look for landmarks, that should help you out. If you find a compass it will be much easier for you.
  14. Scrumpeh

    Starting to Doubt the Realism...

    Rumor has it that Dayz is still in alpha stages. I hope that helps you realize some stuff.
  15. Depends on where you look. 15 minutes into the game and I find 2 makarov's and a silenced M9, and some ammo for each. If you really have no weapons then you got nothing to lose so just go crazy, look for shit in castles, run across towns even. Raid everything you see.