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Animal (DayZ)

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About Animal (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Animal (DayZ)

    Where are the Virginia servers?

    Bumping, because I am curious as well, and no answer has been given.
  2. Animal (DayZ)

    List 3 things you would change about this game

    1. More consistent zombie damage - sometimes I take several hits, and only lose a little blood. Other times I get knocked out in one hit. My friend got a broken leg when a zombie ran by him. I once witnessed a guy with 5 zombies going after him (not just chasing, but actually hitting), and he didn't get knocked out or break his leg. 2. More realistic falling damage - a friend of mine walked off the steps in a barn and fell maybe 3 or 4 ft and broke his legs. WTF? 3. More realistic zombie spawning - My friends and I were at a somewhat secluded group of 3 buildings. We only saw about 3 zombies, so we figured it would be safe to just shoot them. When we did, more zombies spawned. Then more. Then they started actually appearing right in plain sight. Being able to judge the danger in a given situation is compromised if zombies can just spawn out of the blue at any time. p.s Love this freaking game.
  3. Animal (DayZ)

    The reason why it's "shoot on sight"

    I just recently started playing, and the first time I came across another player, I saved his life by axing a zombie that was attacking him. I didn't know how voice chat work, so I just left him and continued my search of the area. Saw an AK-47 looking weapon, and while I was trying to figure out how to pick it up, the guy walks in, grabs it, and shoots me. I can say that after that experience, I probably won't trust another person. So it only takes 1 backstabber to ruin those of us who actually want to be kind to other players.