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Everything posted by dappadan95

  1. Just quite atm people waiting for SA and trying other games
  2. Sometimes maps can cause big FPS drops and I know origins is on Taviana and that map is a FPS drainer
  3. dappadan95

    Why remove the 50?

    If its the same as a DMR then what's the problem? Just use that instead
  4. dappadan95

    [DZwT] Machete Ghille Madness

    Are the machete's still in the game?
  5. Can I be a dirty cop that's all I would want ;)
  6. dappadan95

    Has Rocket mentioned Wasteland Weapons?

    Is this not the crafting part?
  7. is there a rule for no inappropriate names on team speak because there are some people with very inappropriate IMO such as a new person called "C**T"
  8. What part of the map is that road picture taken from?
  9. dappadan95

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    I would like more info on the infections like cholera etc
  10. dappadan95

    Counter Hacks? HACK ALL THE HACKERS!!!

    why even bring this up
  11. Here is a little WIP on the journal. https://a248.e.akama...06d5a612e6a7067 maxed out bandit: https://a248.e.akama...130646b2e6a7067 maxed out hero: https://a248.e.akama...a456f422e6a7067 Maxed out hero's card WITHOUT player kills: https://a248.e.akama...64865482e6a7067 Maxed out bandit's card: https://a248.e.akama...758766c2e6a7067 Crafting http://a248.e.akamai...64b66712e6a7067 This is WIP and may change in design. This will not make .7 but it gives you a little info on the direction we are going.
  12. dappadan95

    Buying ARMA 2 for DayZ

    wait for SA
  13. Also in TS the "Junior Bloodbag" channel for TFF can be deleted don't know why it was made in the first place.
  14. Don't you just love that smell of pollen on a summers evening.........
  15. How much is the game and how do I get it?
  16. dappadan95

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    Should be no high power sniper rifles but at least DMR's and there would defiantly but the CZ 550 style hunting rifles etc.
  17. dappadan95

    Environmental challenges

    I want hazmat suits, Dynamic weather (IF POSSIBLE) and storms etc. Other stuff not really fussed about