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Everything posted by dappadan95

  1. http://www.helpivanmartin.org/2012/11/appeal-rejected-czechs-arrested-in-greece-will-be-trialled-for-espionage/ I feel for these guys stupid really
  2. Hey sneeky i was in the armory testing out the Ural and it took around 60 CZ550 bullets to the engine, fueltank and tyres and was still pretty much green then i put 400 M249 rounds into it and then it finaly blew, also the windows i shot at point blank with the CZ550 and they did not break so i think it would have taken alot of DMR shots to stop you lol
  3. Fuck dont know what to talk about soooo aint May just an awsome month for a birthday becuase it kinda half way through the year
  4. LOL, btw sneeky i cant stop watching that vid i find it so addicting i watched it like 4 times now
  5. This is an issue but you can help!For as little as £3 a month you can adopt a Bambi and it will wright letters to to you and tell you about it's adventures, you will also recieve a double sided poster of a bambi and a blow up life size bambi doll. So please help a dieing species on the brink of extinction...... Please act now by calling the "Bambi's In Distress Association" on 0800 573 0933 Thank you.
  6. BTW guys i think there will be a character reset
  7. Hmmm tempting but after all your traps........... Ill be ready